Mass Transit Perfection for New Cities in Cities Skylines!

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Our BIG American City is back & we’re upgrading with Trams and Walkability! Enjoy😀
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Enjoy my Cities Skylines Gameplay. Putting my town planning to the test and fixing up your cities problems and building a brand new city. Learn how to start your new city and what mods I find are the best to get started with. Enjoy 🙂

– Cities Skylines – USA Themed (Modded)

– Cities Skylines – Blightea-on-the-Wold (Mods/Themed/Detailed)

– Cities Skylines – Antarcteaca (Vanilla/Hard Mod/No Mods/Snow)

– Cities Skylines – New Tealand (Modded)

– Cities Skylines – Teaport City Build

– Cities Skylines – TeaVille City Build

– Cities Skylines – FIX YOUR CITY

– City Build Series (Kerrisdale Map):

– Cities Skylines Project Dam Snow:

– Cities Skylines Industries:

– Cities Skylines Real Time:

– Cities Skylines Parklife:

– Cities Skylines Maximum Disasters:

– Cities Skylines Green Cities:

– Cities Skylines Gameplay Mass Transit:

– Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short

– Cities Skyline Natural Disaster (inc Scenarios):

– Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods:

– Cities Skylines: Snowfall DLC:

– Cities Skylines: After Dark DLC:

– Cities Skylines: Heavenly Island Map:

– Cities Skylines:

✈Cities Skylines – Airports DLC:

#citiesskylines #biffaplays #USA


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About the Author: Biffa Plays Indie Games


  1. You should check out the layout of Savannah Georgia! I think it lends itself perfectly for accessibility of services and what not. If nothing else, it's unique.

  2. Yield signs in gridded neighborhoods are extremely rare here in the US. More typically there are stop signs, often at all 4 corners. Yield signs are usually reserved for traffic merges like going into traffic circles. And in the US, we don't have on-road markings for Yield, just the signs.

  3. Walk past the dump and go to the high school opposite the cemetery 🤣 Love your cities Biffa, but not always sure I'd want to live in all of them!

  4. You have to walk so far for the tram to get in the middle walkway to get to the stop. You should build a crossing. So they dont have to do that weird long wall to the stop.
    From 27:00

  5. Just fyi: in the US at intersections such as those in the roundabout where you put the double dash lines, we actually use a thick solid line instead

  6. No worries about the roundabouts in US cities, its a normal thing for them to be weird. Just look at the one in Grand Army Plaza/ Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn New York.

  7. Many American place names come from Native American languages. Maybe this city could have In-tea-ana, Chesa-tea-ke Bay, the Chat-tea-hoochee River, Lake On-tea-rio, etc.

  8. Great build biffa! 🙂 I would add a node next to the tram stops on the main commercial road if it makes crossing easier for pedetrians. Not sure if they can cross there or not – only got a brief look.
    Love this map

  9. Yay trams!! I have become a huge fan of trams in my cities and have found them to be excellent ways for cims to travel around the city. It is CS after all, and cims love public transit even if it's not used much at all in actual American towns/cities. Great episode, Biffa!

  10. In the Tram Manager – the trams are bored?! So sorry they are not entertaining enough. Proper spelling is board! or boarded/boarding.) LOL

  11. I think that since you usually go with "Tea" related names for your cities and districts…why not switch it up a bit, and go with COFFEE names. Maybe you can even name the city COFFEEVILLE.

  12. I do believe roundabouts are distinctly not American. Not 100% sure but I get the impression Americans don't like em that much. For a more American style, it would have to be just a huge and bad intersection and that'd be it

  13. such a large roundabout would never be built in the middle of residential blocks in the US; it would be tiny if it exists at all. also you are taking a very optimistic outlook on US public transit

  14. Sorry buddy, but the suggested names for this city is terrible. Like all of them.
    Maybe since this is a new city, and you've went through "Tea" related names, maybe let's find a different base name…..
    How about coffee theme? Or biscuit theme? Or British Food theme?

  15. For the center park I'd probably just make a nice square-about around the edges and just ditch the roundabout completely, would give you a lot more space to work with

  16. There is a hydro dam to the NE with power lines right across the river. When using Transportation manager if you don’t hit the “use specific configuration for this line” every line will be modified at once.

  17. you could set the traffic lights on the roundabout to always be green for cars (999 seconds) and transition to the crosswalk based on the "waiting" condition to let people cross. it would be like those lights where you have to press a button to cross.

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