The $160 Million NFT Disaster…

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Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at a sale of land that takes place entirely in a virtual space, while it shocks me people can be this wild with their money. With over $150 million burned and several plots of virtual land sold, just what can you do with this land? Let’s find out! Thanks for watching!

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About the Author: SomeOrdinaryGamers


  1. The pandemic has fried peoples brains. Who the f in their right mind would pay 9k for a jpg image of some "land". Just gullible idiots

  2. Nobody owns land silly. You only own what you can defend with force. Right now government can declare that you owe property tax on a whim. Unless you have overwhelming force to counter the government, there is no way to tell them to f off.

  3. I bet my farm that Otherdeed becomes like Axie Infinity where (if they ever actually make a game) it will be prohibitively expensive to get int, so there will be Landlords who will rent you land for you to create resources for them…

  4. The bored apes were a $150 when they first came out you can’t convince me that they aren’t working to building an actual real life brand hate all you want about nfts but some projects changed some peoples lives for the worse or the better lol

  5. Nfts are like musical chairs and they only have value until you can convince somebody stupider than you to buy it or it has 0 value

  6. Land you own belongs to you? You're probably from the US. Here in Germany you pay taxes for the land you "own". If you can't pay those, you're going to lose it.

  7. I never hate on NFT creators. They're geniuses for convincing a bunch of idiots into buying their jpegs.

  8. If you tell me you actually bought a jpeg for a thousand dollars, then I'm sorry but I'll be looking at you differently.

  9. if anyone has the ability to like contact those guys or something, or at least get in a discord with other fans or whatever, please ask them if the game will feature nsfw content with the alien creatures and then tell me how they reacted lmao. or just give me some contact details and i'll do it myself (likely will just get banned but maybe they'll do something more funny instead, you never know)

  10. These people expect USD to be taken over by something so ludicrously volatile where 4 letters in a single string of code made millions of dollars cease to exist .

  11. Callum Upton literally fucking destroyed this by making their "proprietary" crap in 7 days, alone. he's a total chad

  12. The art, terminology, and everything else is of the worst quality on top of not existing. It is more enticing to fish things out of a dumpster and find someone to pay for what you find. I actually am going to start eating popcorn for this channel.

  13. 5:17 these people are lazy when creating their own characters. You can see by the body that they just grabbed the fallguys character image, gave it a small belly and changed the head. The stance from the neck down is the give away that they took it from fallguys.

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