The most terrifying natural phenomena in the world10 times nature went crazy

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We love and admire Mother nature, but sometimes she unleashes her powerful wrath on us, sweeping away everything in her path with a destructive force. In this regard, we have nothing left to do but to study natural phenomena even more deeply to be able to predict them and escape in time.
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About the Author: Wonders of the World


  1. When I was about 12 in Atlantic city, NJ, it rained millions of tiny black 'Cricket Frogs'. They covered the streets, roofs, people, etc.

  2. A good video this time. The only odd thing I seen was when we left I'LL traveling. It was raining on one side of the street and sunshining on the other side. Really odd looking.

  3. no matter how people die of disease viruse disasters car eccident drugs crimes & poverty & war still poplation growing high poverty still high 🧐😳🤨

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