Sometimes life gives you lemons, other times it gives you fresh, ripe fails! Enjoy our collection of this week’s best from all across the internet – you might even reconsider those lemons! Have a great Fail Friday!
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Im the guy in the intro!😳😌
See you in 10 years when this video will be randomly recommended
It's May and you're still doing slipping on the stairs videos?
1:10 LOL!
Stupider and Stupider, the World keeps getting Stupider when you have to blur out shot glasses with liquid in them and bottle of water attempting to be drunk by a guy on a jet ski. Butt Cracks and Breast Cleavage is one thing but liquids in vessels.
You forgot to blur out one of those girl’s butts and now I don’t know how to act. I’ll probably go commit crimes for the rest of the day now.
7:31 Well, in fact, it's not really a fail, because a little beer still got into the guy's mouth.
0.37 thought stone cold steve austin music was gonna come on 🤣
5:52 he got knocked the f out!
literally ripping off content
3:04 one shot two keeelz
Oh lol
That last one just sucks
Why are the cans pixled?
2:55 oh my god, i almost choked 🤣🤣🤣
@7:38 I don't know if I feel worse for the dog or the Catan set that's probably ruined now.
For starters that is great opener😂😂😂😂🙌
Stop adding audio to videos that have non please, it is terrible.
Dutch courage + cellphones = 1/2 * FailArmy
ahh yes lets censor all the alcohol cuz its not like its advertised everywhere and seen in almost every store… more distracting than anything.
I'm surprised at how much damage people cause and then they laugh about it. They obviously don't have to pay for it.
Drunks, bad drivers, slippery floors/ground, and idiots at the gym make this channel what is is lol.
"The breaks didn't work" yea they did but you were sliding down a grass hill then jumped off thr only time the breaks actually would work. It's these people that kill others in car accidents. I
04:40 – The white car owner should bless that tree.
The faceballs launcher
wow 😱
Whe it , s too danerous to walk outside so you use a treadmil and still get hit by a car.
Learn to drink a shot. Damn.
Moment in the gym with man was very fun🤣🤣🤣
Man, if I owned a bowling alley, I would hire security to drag out and beat the crap out of everybody who threw their ball into the ceiling and made it crash down on the floor. Everyone who does that is doing it on purpose.
I love how bottles are blurred. Like that puts kids off drinking.
Made my day🤣
5:40 So attractive 🤣