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The Rhino Poucher Is a Pure Essence, Of Karma !!!
I love these! Please keep making them!
How is the daredevil slipping on an orange peel a Darwin and not just bad luck?
I hate the way you speak. Don't make any more videos. You're trying too hard.
M I Love your Videos!!!
The poacher story was fn hilarious
That girl in the bikini hits home. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale in the late 80's. I went to the beach one afternoon with my 2 friends, girlfriend and 2 other girls, one named Stephanie. Stephanie jumped out of the car and ran to be the first to jump in the ocean. It was a little choppy and as she jumped in and then jumped up in the waves her bikini, which had no shoulder straps, was around her waist. She was jumping up and down in the water and acting like a clown because we were all laughing at her. She had no idea it wasn't because of her show, it was because of her SHOW!!!! It took her almost a full 5 minutes to look down and notice. We laughed about that for months.
You are soooooo beautiful
He slipped on orange peel fell 4 feet broke a leg both knee caps and fractured his jaw like wtf was he carrying or fall onto a suv going 60mph wtf 😳 I have fallen atleast 12-14 feet rolled to my back and stood up like nothing happened like yeah the old oh fuck thay hurt alot but like I use to work on cattle trucks and bulls like to jump mind you I was young and not old and fragile so there is that hahaha nowadays I fall 1 foot and I'm all like ohhh ouch Mmm fuck my hip my 👀 yup my hip is broken fuck me royally up the ass heeeelllllpppppp! I have fallen and can't get up,,, also fuck yeah new zealand finally gets a Darwin award hahahaha
Hi 👋🏼 Em 💖
The worst accident in an Australian theme park was on the most unlikely ride ,slow moving round rubber 6 person river ride moving at walking pace.It malfunctioned and tore several people apart.
My dad lost his hat once on a coaster on one of the piers at Wildwood, NJ. He went and told the dudes running the ride, and one of them found it for him. Now how difficult was that? My dad was an accountant, as well as a WW2 Vet. He analyzed the situation before the ride was even over, and followed the logical course of action.
I desperately want to play Oregon Trail now.
Thanks for keeping them coming, and happy Mother's Day to you
Karen must have REALLLLYYY liked the Johnny Cash song " Ring of Fire " ( it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire )
So it’s just this trans boy telling us how these things happened? Who can watch this trash !
This is really BAD!
Happy Day….. …. the role coaster decapitating the man getting his hat back….. killed an employee also….. by decapitating them…
I'd tap your "like" button any time, Em…
Dodging the electric chair and landing on the electric throne. The irony must've come as a shock. And yes, I know that pun was revolting.
M your vignette’s to like and subscribe are cuter and cuter. I applaud the poacher getting darwinized by the wildlife. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
The first one was not a “man” (adult) but a teenager. I know because I was there when it happened. It was at Six Flags in Georgia.I was there with my and my sister-in-law’s family. We were stationed in Georgia and my sister-in-law lived in ATL at the time. We didn’t fully know what happened at the time. We knew there was a fatality but got the details on the news later.
My brother ran face first into every mirror in a house of mirrors. Thankfully, he never became face through glass man. I think the guy thought himself a genius for realizing that walls have easily breakable parts. Did not get around to how to get through it safely. Try a rock or wrapping your hands, better yet accept you are a fool and be an honest one.
The first person over the falls was Anne Taylor.
Johnny Cash 👍👍👍
Michael was electrocuted on the electric throne!
The gas station spilling has to be fake. I cigarette dot get hot enough to ignite gasoline. You can throw a cig in puddle of gas and it will just put the cig out. Cigs don't get very hot… maybe she threw a zippo or something on the ground? Guess freak thing. But normally cigs can't ignite gas.
You must get rid of this stupid girl narrator; painful to listen to her voice and witless “humor”
So to prove the gas pump didn’t shit off, she set herself on fire. Some people will do anything to win an argument.
Love this series! Haha
Poached poacher. I think that elephant needs an award of a lifetime supply of peanuts. I hate poachers.
Makes you wanna ride a roller coaster While chewing on a cord Over Niagara Falls
You're the woman M
Keep on keeping on girl Peace out!
Hey I think he got what he deserved.
Karma is a Witch.
Thanks 👍
you see, that poacher did something useful with his miserable existence… noms for lions, after providing some flamenco practice by the elephant. tenderised to a turn!
I wish that the animals could also get at the customers of those poached items. How do these morons really think that eating a rhino horn is going to make their pecker bigger ? If " traditional or alternative medicine " worked , it would just be called medicine.
Ah the original hoarders! And the Tenderized Rhino poacher Is Definately A Laughing Matter. The hyenas said so. And they would know.