For many countries the pandemic seems to be over, no pandemic regulations and life has gone back to “normal”. China’s zero-Covid policy on the other hand has left whole cities under strict lockdown, millions are stuck at home. In other parts of the world, like the US, at-risk groups are fearing for their lives. Almost 40% of Covid casualties were diabetics. In UK, the pregnant are advised to get the immunization shot.
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#RiskGroup #Diabetic #ZeroCovid
Cold world
That is why China has dynamic zero covid19 policy. people life first
TCM is hocus-pocus. Give the tortured people of Shangai food instead!
Type II diabetes is preventable: never eat sugar or processed foods (high in sugar), and limit carbohydrates to one serving per meal (3 meals per day). Sugar meets the definition for a toxin! Keeping active is important too, as is weight management.
Dr. Williams, the DW science correspondent, always explains things so clearly and well.
Firstly THUMBS DOWN for all the ads people are being forced to watch.
Yes, Nigeria came out relatively unscathed but Nigeria also did only very few tests.
The Pfizer product would need a long disclaimer if advertised on TV. About 30 minutes to read off the 1200 side effects … and a warning it does not prevent Covid. Bill Gates caught Covid and said it’s “mild”.
Sugars are the main culprit 😓
I can't believe DW won't report this.
This is how majority of Covid-19 patients died. The Western media won't show us this beside the endless distractions.
This is why China try to avoid with the lock down.
"Forcing my COVID patients to die alone is inhumane — and unnecessary
We're approaching 1 million U.S. deaths from COVID-19, but the numbers can't capture how these deaths occur: alone. Patients take their last breaths amid the alarms of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), without their families.
Despite a dizzying pace of policy change to keep society going, policies condemning COVID-19 patients to die alone have not changed."
Article date 3-7-22
I can't put the article link here. You can find it by typing on search "How many Covid-19 patients dies alone".
Look for title call
Forcing my COVID patients to die alone is inhumane — and unnecessary.
How can these media giants lie so easily to the public without any repercussion. The overall treatment that doctors used to treat covid…Killed people as well as shut down their body organs from the mass amounts of opiates to keep them in a coma and ventilated. Fixed your miss information
Here in America we pay out the nose for insulin and doctors don't believe in long haulers. They don't even respond when you tell them symptoms. Blood work comes out okay and they send you away.
So according to DW if you are diabetic you are not allowed to live?
This video is a dumb and sad continuation of downplaying habits of the media.
You should be banned for spreading misinformation.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." – Vladimir Lenin
Diabetes was said to be a risk factor. Being obese an even greater risk factor but none of this is relevant except as a cautionary warning of the risk factors. Every unnecessary death is tragic regardless of comorbidities. A fact the far right played silly games with.
Growing up here in the US, we were taught the "Standard Breakfast" which was a big bowl of sugary/starchy breakfast cereal, if the cereal wasn't glazed with sugar you were to put a tablespoon or two of table sugar on it. This was accompanied by fruit, toast, a glass of milk (in addition to the milk on the cereal I think) and an equally big glass of orange juice and Europeans take note here: American orange juice is very strong and syrupy.
So the idea is to get kids used to a diet based on sugar and carbohydrates early-on. Also it's really pushed here in the USA that kids hate vegetables. This is not true, at least not in my case, veggies are awesome. But there's so much said about kids (and adults) hating vegetables that it's really common to eat a week of meals with only a few servings of veggies over the whole week. Sugar and carbs are king.
The efficacy of some of the vaccines is less than 1%….is this true?
America has an around 40% of diabetes. If covid death with the same rate, it doesn't mean that diabetes has a positive connection with covid.
well 30% of Americans are diabetic so of course the majority who died are diabetic as well.
Eat more burger and pizza 🐷
pre-apocalyptic is the new post-pandemic
"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17.
Boycott China!!!!!!!!💩💩💩💩💩
December 1 – February 28.
70% were obese in the US. Almost like actually healthy lifestyle keeps you in low risk for death from illness. However we cannot say this because that would be fatphobic
The rest of the world is done and over COVID. The fact that it came from China and there government is now starting to implement stricter rules and regulations about covid kinda has me thinking that they know something else about covid that the rest of the world hasn't found out yet. And if not then why would they be wasting all there time money and effort all of a sudden in order to stop it??? They weren't going this hard on it in the beginning so why all of a sudden?
Does this mean the diabetes problem is over? 🎉🤣
Pay no attention to the numbers from the US government.
Jesus saves
Jesus loves like no other love
anyone finally willing to talk about the ORIGIN? and the RESPONSIBILITY of a CERTAIN COUNTRY? no? not yet? okay….
My mother in law kept coming round and not paying attention to things. She gave us the most recent covid. My blood sugars crashed so bad i felt like i had to eat 5 meals a day, my toe nails nearly fell off, it felt like my heart valves all clogged up with candida and i cant feel my feet now. It definitely messed something up to do with blood sugar, im very thankful im not seriously diabetic or i dont think id be here. I hope they find ways to combat this.
We can't beat nature, as sad as it is nature is always at play. I got 3 and haven't gotten sick yet, if you don't want it then that's your choice.
Yes bad eating habits is your fault!! PLEASE SAY IN YOUR DOCO DIABETES TYPE2 OR TYPE1. There are many comorbitities of being obese, not just Diabetes TYPE2.
What is Covid-19 ???
They probably couldn't get their food and meds from the fridge on time being too sick in bed with covid where no one could help.
Diabeeetics 😂😂🤣
Retail price of insulin in China is 1/20 of the US. Need to think about that when I have the privilege to vote for the next president.