An “explosive” volcanic eruption has blanketed the Caribbean island of St Vincent in ash and smoke and forced thousands of people out of their homes.
La Soufrière, which has been dormant for decades, first started showing volcanic activity in December, but that increased this week.
On Thursday, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves urged more than 16,000 residents in “red zones” to evacuate.
The volcano has since spewed dark ash plumes 6 km (3.7 miles) into the air.
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How dumb do you have to be to build your house in the same small island as a FUCKIN VOLCANO
I heard people couldnt leave the island if they werent vassinated
Repent st Vincent and receive Christ halie salassie is not the father the word or the holy spirit!
Omg that is scary 😳
No news good news from Saint Vincent 🙏🤞👌
"We know that the whole Creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time…For the Creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed." Romans 8 : 22 and 19
This is Exodus right here.
God is a volcAno. We are ants on a Gi ant lily pad.
This was my first time experiencing a volcano eruption but hopefully its over now my family comes from fancy in the red zone so all of my friends and family are in the seltzers and some are in private homes and hotels
I am… X
I have to do a Geo project on this…. F
And they are evacuating only those who are Covid vaccinated, forget the rest?
2020/21 is all to push us into lockdown and destroy our freedoms, get us so desperate to get back to normal that we would do anything – even take the experimental gene therapy Covid vaccine and 'test' – Mark of the Beast.
Now that they have been found out, get ready for another plan – project BlueBeam has been in talks for a long time now- laser projection in the sky to stage an alien invasion / false Jesus speaking. To still scare everyone into a one world religion and one world government, what Covid plandemic failed to do!
Everything is literally turned upside down – thus even says the original Scripture! Please see Jonathan Kleck You Are Exiles on Youtube. Most everything we were taught about us and this world is a lie. The original Scripture reveals mindblowing truths that churches and world powers do not want you to know! Elohim – fallen angels – demons are preparing to reveal themselves as our overlords..
was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try.
Ignorance destroy so many opportunities,
l’m a victim but was convinced by this nice paying platform, Automate they have been good to so many people and still maintaining that.
I heard they all going to 🇹🇹. Stay safe tho
Hey y’all. I’m from the USA here and we are not being told at all about this in our media. I found out through reading world news on my own and I wanted to say if anyone is reading this, I am praying for you and your families. I have donated what I could and hope to again soon. I wish I could do more for you. This world needs more peace during these times. I am standing with you all! God speed!
gg broooo good game man
Sickening that in order to evacuate on the boat you have to have the vaccine, this is all the governments cares about
I discovered volcanic lava etc denote world melting
World like Copper Coil if we rotate Copper Coil for many centuries
1st Coil heat
2nd Coil fire
3rd Coil melt
Similarly world melting in form of volcanic lava etc
How to kill Anti-vaxxers 101
A titan has Transformed… get ready
All the ganja fucked… But will be Better in years to come
Little known fight My father's middle name at birth was Vincent
We have a Volcano on st.kits as well I hope that one doesn’t erupt,these are serious times we living in
They have to get the vaccine before the got on the ship, so if u not get the vaccine you can't be saved
Interesting that on CBS news they mentioned that the cruise ships only evecuated those that had been vaccinated against Covid. Interesting times ahead. No vaccinations and you will be left to die.
You know what's scarier than this? Only those vaccinated will be rescued off the island.
I grew up in st Vincent as a child in top Questelles. It is truly a beautiful island with many extravagant places. Although my family and I live in America now, we send our prayers and our love to our island.
the islands are having trouble. earthquakes too
Bro they were only evacuating ppl who had the covid vaccine wtf!!
Chinese Communist Party
Repression and plunder
Massacre of their people
Who is against them
Abduction, organ robbery
Rape and torture
Children to the elderly
Everyone is afraid
Set out atheism
Don't believe in Gods
Extravagant and overbearing
The attitude is arrogant
Fabricate and lie
Slander and defame
Falun Gong is evil
This crime cannot forgiven
Outside is the human body
Inside is the devil
Please wake up
See clearly good and evil
God warns sentient beings
Natural disasters and epidemics
Who is following them
Will be dismissed right away
In this battle
Please choose Falun Gong
May ALLAH pak save all the people in the world
Most have evacuated safely to shelters and guests houses. A few stubborn stay in the dangerous area. Much infrastructural damage and water is an issue. If you want to make a contribution to the relief efforts contact NEMO SVG. National emergency management office 7845263000
Earthquake next
Stop judging let Gods will be done if it’s it’s Gods will to wipe it off the map let it be of ourself we know nothing of ourself we can do nothing be still and know God
Good about time.there is more to come ,but the fake news want you to know nothing. Time for the people of the world to wake up.some one is coming?
I heard some couldn't leave because they didn't have the vaccine. Welcome to THE Mark of the beast. Do y'all believe in God now?
When those of you that press the like button does that means you like what's happening???
Only evacuated if you have had the covid vaccine- which is BS!
Are people seriously more scared of covid, given that 99.7% recover from it
vs a volcanoe and the dust in lungs etc
Grow up
And think logically