We received an emergency signal about an abandoned dog near a graveyard.
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This Adorable Baby Puppy was ABANDONED near the Graveyard: What Happens Next Will Melt Your Heart
Cute Puppies You Wanna Watch Doing Funny Things #8 | Cute VN
Cute baby animals Videos Compilation cutest moment of the animals – Cutest Puppies #2
#Abandoned #Puppy #Adorable #Graveyard #Melt #Your #Heart #Scared #Dog #Sad #Puppy #Paw #Squadron #PawPatrol #Dog #Scared #Sad #cat #puppy #puppies #cutedog #dogdog #cutedogs #catcrying #dogcrying #puppybarking #puppiesbarking #puppys #animalshelter #baby #babypuppies #catrescue #animalrescue #dogrescue #catrescue #petrescue #shelter #hope #dogrescue #thegogo #thedodo #dodo #PawSquadron
❓ How should we name this adorable baby puppy? Please write your suggestions below:
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🇧🇷 que legal 💌💌👏👏
I would call her Patatina which in Italian means pretty, little potato
linda e os cachorros nascidos de duas ou mais raças sao os mais inteligentes e sadios!
Малыш, тебе повезло, на твоём пути встретился Человек с доброй Душой и большим Сердцем ❤❤❤
Thank you for find and help puppy. God bless you 🙏🏻 ❤
Did you find a new home for this little dog?
May God bless you for your kindness.
Angel as she was in a graveyard
What about Pebbles?
Thank you for your program nice to see to you save the animals thanks I like it 👌
I find it hard to believe such a cute puppy would be abandoned. There is no shortage of people who would take that dog.
Oarecum sinistru.
I love dogs 😍
Just one comment every time you shower them when you snap your fingers they look very cold and they're shivering do you not dry them off with a towel or something first getting most of the water off and then dry them?
A beautiful name would be butterfly
Berta/Dapne/Leona ??
Such an adorable little girl. Thanks so much for saving her. 💜
Everybody wants money now.
Ackyully name her shady
You shod name her straberry
She is such a sweet baby. I would name her angel. Also, what would be the requirements to possibly adopt her if she is still available?
I think the name Puddles would be quite fitting for this little lady
How about calling her "Haven"? 🙂
Precious that’s would be her name
Can you show what happened to others puppies especially the smallest one ? Did some people adopted most of them ?
Elvira. Since she was found in a grave yard.
Name her Kayla miss
E.Mc claim. USA
No worries- that cutie will be adopted quickly
These are planted puppies being abused by the video maker
Liars planting puppies for views and donations and you watchers are supporting them
I was just wondering, what life Henrih had?
Pip Squeak
I think she is an angel in the graveyard… so Angel is my choice for a name.