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Music: Take it
Musician: LiQWYD
#civil #civilengineering #engineering #mechanicalengineering #safe #safetyfirst #safety #health #osha #oshaisthisok #fail #badday #construction #work #workfails #accident #incident #funny #funnyfails
What's with this "jesus loves you" BULLSHIT?
Grow up!
where is that guy laugh at the beginning from??? where can i find it
Why did you remove the original sounds and replaced them with that crappy music? Most those clips have original sounds in other channels.
It's not that they are all fails it's that people like to be stupid and have they have plenty of time to show and how can the world advances with people like that. I bet the ones that are more pissed off at these types of people are the scientist cause they have to be yelling out
"Come man give a break we are trying to find things to make life somewhat easier for people to live in but you fools show up faster then the speed of light so give us a FUKKING BREAK!!!!!!".
В большинстве случаев тут не над чем смеяться. Неловкие ситуации могут произойти с каждым. Всем привет из России.
i just did a fail…i thought it was a fart and it wasnt…oopsie
That dude at :25 his rent has never been late
So many idiots with masks….dumb humanity!!!
Very nice 👍💯
Es lo mejor para dejar descansar la 🧠
I’m just here to listen to Mr outfit’s favorite outro song.
REPENT – Jesus is coming soon!
Thank you
I like the smiling weekend, thanks everything by you come to everybody
Thank you for your videos