Terra Luna… Wtf

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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:48 Market Analysis
7:08 Terra Luna Price Crash
8:57 Do Kwon Statement
11:23 Terra Luna Attack Theories
14:17 Terra Luna Analysis
15:58 My Advice To You
20:27 FTX.US
21:20 Outro

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About the Author: Brian Jung


  1. It just shows that coins even in the top 10 are still not reliable at all or "safe" in this space.

    It's also a bit sad to see some influencers in the space still shilling and pushing LUNA to followers telling them to hold or boast about "buying the dip" where you can really see even Cowen has stated the chances of Luna ever coming back are very slim..

  2. Hi Brian, is there any opening for membership being a patreon as i see all memberships are sold out. I would really apperciate it. Thank you

  3. For anyone suffering right now, just remember, markets recover. They always have & they always will, it’s a certainty of living in an inflationary world. Breath, have a cuppa tea, walk in nature. You will be ok

  4. I messed up this morning. I woke up and saw it dropped and started to rise and sold my other crypto and put all $500 into Luna at around $5.60 and now I’m at $65🙄 so frustrated. what do i do?

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