Fails Of The Week – Instant Regret Compilation
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Video inspired by Failarmy
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1:52 spider man apocalypse
2:09 The Santa is real Poor Santa XD
3:46 hahahaha is funny
Look at 1:04! XD I was dying laughing
So many good fails… i love this.
Safety lesson: To warn of impending danger, yell “Honey. Honey!”
5:41 fake
3:18 best clip
No snacks?
mixed old video fails
The two losers with the gas hose are a perfect example of the education system today.
0:54 you should have been walk outside paralyzed, That happened in (local) movie
name of the music at the end of the video?
8:17. Um, duh? Put the nozzle back. And, there is an emergency shut off button on the building or nearby.
People with this level of intelligence should not be allowed to drive.
6:55 we have a winner – The stupidest thing EVER recorded!
6:30 How appropriate! Easy come, easy go? Too bad he didn’t donate all of it!
8:16 Here's a technique that's been tried before: HANG UP THE DAMN NOZZLE!
How dumb do you have to be to juggle your skateboard over the sea whilst wearing a mask OUTSIDE in the freshest of air????
Masks cause, and increase, risk of:
Heart attack
Memory loss
Lessened life expectancy
Headaches (even migraines)
Muscle fatigue
Depression or bad moods
Respiratory failure
Brain damage.
06:40 what a twat 🤣🤣🤣
Great stuff guys 👍👌
I need to know what was inside the pop up birthday cake thing
Why do people constantly destroy their phones when they think they're getting a new one? You can recycle old phones at various places so parts of them can be used, and less will be going into landfill!
Dont say the Lords name in vain
Why did the older lady smash the phone on the ground?!
The cats were hilariously funny and also the guy with the snacks 😂😂