The streets of Gotham are under new protection.
In this first reveal of Nightwing and Red Hood’s official gameplay, get a closer look as these Knights seek to uncover the mysteries around the elusive Court of Owls while putting a stop to the various factions attempting to exert their own control over Gotham City.
Through these Knights’ distinct abilities, fighting styles, traversal, and team up opportunities, how will you Step into the Knight?
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Overall its looking good just give more hand to hand combat move to redhood and make move faster
Please delay it
Funny how batman arkham knight is looking better then this game lmao
I like to be honest, why all this dislikes?
Im tired of the bullets logic in games, you need like 20 shoots to kill an enemie wtf
It looks great but I think red hood needs a redesign, he looks to bulky and looks older than nightwing, nightwing is the oldest son of hood is the second child I would also love to see more melee attacks including his tasers
It would've been great if they hadnt messed up red hood and gave him stupid abilities
Man this looks awesome, don't understand all the dislikes lol.
The combat looks terrible and red hood is more than guns blazing bruh I hope they tone the combat to be smooth like other Batman games
why so many dislikes :((( i like it and this hurts me :(((((((((((
This game is awesome!
This game looks rough guys. DELAY
Bring back Free Flow Combo! The slow combat feels like that mediocre Avengers game.
is there offline co-op game?
How about a “The Batman” the game… what we actually want
I've heard quite a few people say that they're disappointed with this demo. Well, it's a demo. It's not the final game. There's going to be improvements made.
To ne honest I actually like nightwing glider but redhoods jump is kinda boring
Is it local co op
Why is red hood magic? I get the Lazarus pit thing, but he never had any magic abilities…
The gameplay honestly looks like a injustice 2 mobile, but turned for console or pc
this game is great but i need a batman arkham origins remaster #releasethebatmanarkhamoriginsremaster
why is the camera placement absolutely awful?
After seeing this gameplay, I can safely say that Nightwing is my go-to character. Sure he’s got a Fortnite glider but the rest of his character aspects are pretty dope. Red hood was my original and I do hope there’s more to the player then just shooting but I’m not taking any chances, I’m also not to found of his traversal jumps considering he’s not supposed to have any powers but I can also see why they did it considering the limited options they had for Red Hood’s traversals.
Couldn’t you have picked someone who knows how to play a video game? This is painful to watch simply because of the players lack of skill, while the game itself seems great
7:11 it's the guy ftom fortnite!
Delay it or it will flop
Not worth 70
Looks bad
Who messed with the character models since alpha is the question? Doesn't look as fluid.
Why does this feel and look worse than the old arkham games ?
cheirinho de flop viu, podiam adiantar logo o Hogwarts Legacy
This looks like the most slowest and most boring combat ever
Why does the game director look like a cgi? 🧐
I know it’s a work in progress but it doesn’t look like the fluidity is good everything seems stiff
There are a few changes that should be made but otherwise I can't wait till this comes out
tbh I was expecting a better and most fluid gameplay
Really happy with the AR vision, no more fighting xray skeletons.
Idk how to feel about red hood.
Hey warner bros games can you make a a batman arkham orgins remaster
Thank you WB A-holes for scraping the PS4 release (-_-)
Still needs work . Its not giving me that arkam knight feeling
This is a mobile game right?
9:29 Anyone else notice the reference to the 60s Batman?
They should've used the batman combat system. This looks clunky when fighting. Smh… I had high hopes
I don't know what's wrong with u people but these characters look dope they all look cool
The only thing that I personally don't like is all the effects during combat. The light swooshes, sparks, particle effects, etc. All that stuff is just visual clutter to me when all I want is good, fast hard hitting combat. In the Arkham series there was some of this, but the basic combat was little poofs of dust/smoke and subtle shockwaves / moving of ground clutter. I dunno, I guess my old man brain is starting to find all this superfluous visual raz-a-mataz to be distracting and makes it feel more cartoonish than grounded in "reality."
Can you play as Robin