It's The End! – Roblox Game Commentary: Natural Disaster Survival Ep. 1

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Dec 21 2012, It’s the end, so it’s time to make a new gamplay commentary, and this one takes place in Natural Disaster Survival! I play the game while slowly counting down to midnight and see what happens.

Roblox Natural Disaster Survival:


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About the Author: JohanSKo


  1. Natural Disasters does not even had a sequel.
    Survive the Disasters Only had a sequel Called Survive the Disasters 2.
    I think i am Learning ROBLOX Nerd stuff here…

  2. watching this in 2018 and i can’t tell you how much i miss playing in 2012. i first joined in 2012 and didn’t really pay attention to the layout.. i has changed so much

  3. There are many of components to survival.
    One resource I found that successfully combines these is the Survivor Crusher System
    (check it out on google) definately the most helpful survival resource i've heard of.
    Check out the incredible free video.

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