Creator Clash a highly anticipated boxing event has ended. There were many content creators which included two Twitch streamers, that is Justaminx and Michael Reeves and well honestly they both killed on the stage..
ALSO, I posted another video on Crash Creators with Minx’s response (Best Of Twitch #95 Minx Got Her Lenses Knocked Out By Haley & DrDisrespect In Clash Creators 2.0 ?) :
Soundtrack two : Ezzy – Hung Up https://chll.to/2de60a4c
Discord Community : https://discord.gg/ZABNZJyH5C
Background That Was Used : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWtOGmh-aDk
My Email : dailytwitch2016@gmail.com
Every competitor is a champion 👏🏻
school fight are more intense then this
airsoftfatty is the best bro
No way they got the full force kid to sing the national anthem😂
Michael is a goblin omg
HOW tf did i miss this ENTIRE event?! didnt hear a thing about it until right now? how was this so huge?! so many questions! XD
Michael the mf man
airsoft fatty solos creator clash
At 1:50 in the video, that fight should have went to hailey. Minx should have been DQ’d for an Illegal back fist.
minxs boxing match was like watching 3rd graders fight
Michael Reeves being Lily's punching bag all this time really paid off
I know nothing about boxing but Minx in the last round holy shit I love it
Minx is crazy but she punches like an old woman
I farted
how long has Michael Reeves been training?
Wait a second is that Michael reeves who is with lily?
Edit – haha holy fuck it is, that dude has heart, gotta give it to him.
Naruto rly sing the anthem
Yo Yo
Alex Ernst and Ryan Magee fight was a pure battle of will power. Respect to them both.