Stormworks Classic Career w/ DLC & Natural Disasters
In this episode we continue a classic career mode with the weapons dlc and the natural disasters on by putting out some fires and annoying some NPCs.
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Loved the video @ProfNCognito! Can't wait for the next video man! Wasn't expecting to see you Cuss out the NPC's this episode man, laughed my head off as soon as you did though LMAO! I do have a Two part Plan for Beating the AI Forces in Stormworks as they have yet to capture any more Points, but they are also likely to be getting a decent amount of Cash from Taxes.
Part 1 will be focused on their Northernmost Points at the Two Oil Rigs. The Operation will be called "Operation Hormuz" and will require you to Pay the Two Oil Rigs a Visit by World War Two period Gato-class Submarine, preferably at Night or in the Early Morning hours. The Journey will be the Usual Surface running at Night, Submerged Running in Daylight and Emergency Dives when an Enemy Warship has been Detected. Once you've reached the Area of Operations, you are to make your way aboard the Oil Rigs and head straight for the Capture Points which are usually located by the Helipad. Once you've Captured the Oil Rigs, you are to make your way back to the Submarine and Get out of Dodge. Your Submarine will be the USS Silversides (SS-236). Due to a lack of Intelligence on the AI Forces Activity in the Island of Donkk/Lighthouse O.B. Area, you're requested to make your way out along that Area in Preparation for the Next Part of the Fight against the AI.
Part 2 will be the Isolation and Invasion of the Island of Donkk and O.B. Lighthouse area. This Operation will be called "Operation Bankroll". This is where I wish the Server size wasn't limited to 18 Players because if this were to be done Properly, there would be Massive Task Forces and Transport Groups and Unit Formations being involved here. Sadly, it is what it is, so you'll have to spend the Next few Weeks in-game (Up to 3 weeks tops) attacking Merchant Shipping in and Around the Island of Donkk/Lighthouse O.B. Area. If you find any decent Missions, Do those before you get to Attacking Merchant Ships. You'll be Flying your Choice of A-20 Havoc's, B-25H Mitchell's or P-38L Lightning's from the Multiplayer Island, Carrying Bombs, Rockets and Maybe even Strafing the AI Forces of Getting into a Dogfight with the Eurofighter Typhoons, Eurocopter Tigers and Huey-Lynx Hybrids. After the Area has been Cleared of Merchant Shipping, you will make your way to the O.B. Lighthouse with an M4A3(Late) Sherman Tank in an LCT Mark 5 (Landing Craft Tank). Once you've landed and Secured the Lighthouse, you'll make your way down along the Road or Railway Line towards the Island of Donkk taking any Capture Points along the Way. The Reason why it's planned like this mainly comes from experience from Watching Raptor's Vod of Stormworks 5 days after the release of the Weapons DLC, but this should help you get as much content as you possibly can until June 2nd when the Underwater Update comes out. When Raptor and one of his Friends went over to check out the Weapons DLC, they went to the Military Base which is where the AI Started out on. After they Captured the Island the Game Crashed and Raptor had to start a new Game save. They Go for the Island that the AI Started out with again, this time the Airfield Island and they get Tyranasaurus Shreked by the AI SPAA Tank on the Island as they make their way in and get themselves killed, but the game also crashes on them with the Rotary Autocannons still firing on the Background. Because we only know that the AI Forces branched out from The Island of Donkk, it's reasonable to guess that's where they started from and upon Capture, the Game ends and you'll win the War against the AI Forces.
When the time is near, I'll drop a line in my comments in future videos with Words from the Plans here.
Let me know what you think of the idea man and I'll catch you in your next video!
NPCs have and will always be complete idiots in this game. They can't even take a seat on their own, they're like big babies that way. I understand if you want to start a new world, and I think you should, but perhaps give a little time with this first, at least a run with the big boat or so? Keep up the entertaining videos.
Win-win solution: Start a new world with the same seed, and cheat in the money and bases bought.
As long as you continue to verbally abuse the NPC's, I'm happy.
I say you try to finish this up if need be, with your millions bucks goal. Or if the map addition coming up doesn't wipe current saves, then even better!
I say make a basic tanker to buy and sell diesel/oil to make some huge profits. May be a long haul time-wise, but a different way to make money than the previous episodes.
Also I wanted to mention I really enjoyed binging on this series since last week. I got inspired by the quirky Hippo to finally make my very first VTOL, similarly quirky — except smaller and utilizing dual small engines per prop. It has been a learning experience. The gyro goes nuts at times in plane mode and the small engine power results in prop rps loss under load. Taking these lessons I started over with a larger fuselage and medium engines like yours, this weekend. Already working pretty great, just gotta finish it up with some basic pilot assist/ avionics and rescue gear. Woohoo!
make a rc car (or plane) with a gun to attack AI
Check out the improved combat mode mod on the workshop! There is an update coming out for it soon that will totally change the experience fighting the AI
Skipping all the good transponder missions 🥲
I think you can keep going with this world and if you run of ideas start new one but you can start new series and this one at the same time but i think it's bad idea
I mean you cant blame them, First comment again, Love the content