Feeling confused over the current pace of Shield Hero? Well here’s all the missing context you need to understand how we get to where we are in Season 2 so far! A brief overview of the training arc we completely skipped and a closer look at the reasoning behind the other heroes disappearances!
Previous Videos:
Episode 1 Cut Content: https://youtu.be/-LoBQrk3wjU
Season 1 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcX4f6aL0IaiSb9w05qiIg6j86ZQwCmO6
Thanks to @xarlasar for coloring Eclair in the thumbnail!
Hope this clears things up on how we got to where we are in Season 2! See you next week where we can actually talk about the spirit tortoise stuff finally.
Thanks for the insight on the light novel chapters my friend
Honestly I hope the other Heroes die off Naofumi is the only hero there
The only one of the 3 Cardinal Stooges I had even a little respect for was Ren the Sword Hero. Yeah the manga completely obliterated that respect 😅😅😅😅
can't we just kill the 3 bastards and summon other heroes? by this point that's what i would've done
Those three heroes are fooled for skipping the training, keeping secret information and beyond of no turn back to the queen as well shield hero. They have to pay for their actions.
This was very interesting and impressive video.
This content is the reason why we enjoy watching Shield Hero in the first place, if they showed this in the anime straight off it'd be way more engaging to watch, I don't understand why they prioritized this tortoise arc, it doesn't feel important or in any way interesting, especially since it's just in the way of the waves. (I don't read the manga). The only thing keeping me watching right now is the fact that it is Shield Hero, but I'm not really enjoying season 2 so far.
Do we know who the imprisoned/demoted ppl that are more skilled than eclair happen to be?
Good job Bro 👍 I only watch the anime, so I would never know about all this content. Thank you. I can't wait for Danmachi Season 4
Is there any way I can read the light novels for this anime cuz I really want to read them but I don’t know where to read it
ok this is really shocking but like… this is all like, extremely important contents they skipped just like that? Like, all of that is things I would have really, really loved to see. Even if it ended up being an entire season all by itself.
I wasn't even aware second season came out, upon going into the comments and seeing what I do im just gonna skip it maybe until we get the next season. Maybe I've been too spoiled from Jobless and still miffed about season 1.
Why not just give these fucker proper weapons, machineguns do wonders.
It's an intriguing anime, but the whole false accusation thing that gets dragged for so long is something I can't watch. Thanks for the summaries!
Love the video.
Would love to see more.
And the continuation of Overlord cut content.
They know that the Spirit Tortoise is the lowest point in the series. They're really trying to fly by it.
It's really strange. I thought the other three heroes just said "yah not doing this sorry too busy." I don't remember ANYTHING saying that they went missing. Though there were multiple sentences that gave me ideas that the heroes were in some sort of danger or that they were in the spirit turtle or something? Honestly, Shield Hero S2 is confusing.
Think in order for it to be considered betrayal the heroes would need to be on his side first
huh, only 5 episodes into S2 and it feels like they skipped a whole season!
They removed the training arc?
This gives so much more at stake here than what the anime pointed out in the first two episodes 😂
maybe i better off reading the manga 😑
The old lady is no new character, she made multiple appearances in the 1st season
These plot points were very compelling. Just skipping them to get to the tortoise (which is a pretty boring arc so far tbh) was a waste.
What a surprise the other 3 ran away because they wasn't getting pampered than they normally did I wouldn't be surprised if they left with the former king
Well let's blame them deciding to reduce the episodes this season by half. 24/25 episodes per season is the sweet spot if you want to pack in a bunch of content. Otherwise probably just cut back like arifureta did which while still not perfect a huge improvement to the first season.
years passed..why rush it?
Shield Hero Season 2 is following the path of Promised Neverland Season 2.
What a shame. I would've actually really liked starting the season with more drama between the heroes. The first episode that we got instead was so boring, it made me really stop and say "wow, they blew through all the ideas they had for this plot in season 1, didn't they? Without the major drama between Malty and Naofumi, or at least a good focus on the other heroes being awful, there's really nothing here worth watching other than Raphtallia being cute. What a let-down."
Man sucks how the anime down plays how shitty the other heroes are..
I dont like and I dont understand why this "drama" is so stupid. All the work has to be done by naofumi and friends, the other three heros suck so much and fitoria is almost forcing naofumi to make stuff works and if he fail all will die, cmon… What kind of argument is that is just bsht, nonsence, all the responsibility lies on naofumi. It is more feasible to kill the other 3 heroes and sumon others than to endure a pointless argument… because it is possible that people are or can fight on par or perhaps even beat a hero, then why the argument is so masochistic, pedantic and arrogant?
great video
I'm happy this popped up on a suggested video. Not having read the manga, the start of season 2 seemed a bit strange to me. As though I was missing something…. Well I was, apparently some pretty big stuff.
You're an anime hero making this show actually watchable this season.
Now I really enjoy your videos, I appreciate your hard work, and it good yo be be informed about the written material.
But in all truth, I’m following the anime fine and enjoying it without the written material.
Are people that lost they are not enjoying the series?! It is explaining enough to follow what is happening, especially if we saw the first season.
season 2 quality is low man why they keep lowering quality each season this is frusticating man.
It sucks that they skipped the training arc, even more so that the heroes were the ones who were supposed to awaken the tortoise
The old lady was in season 1
ok they are skipping a bit, but as long they don't do what they did in Promised neverland they will be forgiven plus the animation
Naofumi would be more of a badass AntiHero if, he acts more of a Vanguard than standing in place at a time. Somewhat similar to MCU Cap Steve Rogers he uses a Shield too.
He is more of a Magician, heck it ain't so often he do a Melee or a Shield bash, but he did ignorantly tanks such as when a pacman-like-something nibbing him here & there as he approaches Blonde Spear dude menacingly for the win
Thank you sir keep them coming . I guessing I have to read the manga and Light novels now thank you tho
Trying not to spoil. So far I have not found it confusing, but it does make me want to go read source material and I like catching up on skipped content. I personally think they might go to a lot of flashbacks later. For example, during stuff like Ren’s party arc. I could see them trying to throw the biggest emotional punch all at once. Just my guess.
Please more Arifureta episodes
La c’était pour demander si tu pouvais mettre des sous-titres en Français pour la communauté française ou des sous-titres en englais pour pourvoir regarde avec l’auto traduction sur tes anciennes vidéos pour pouvoir les regarder
This series is popular enough to make profit from 24 episodes
Guess I'll stop wasting time with season 2 and read the manga
I think you might consider naming this show Cut Content and start off the title with that every time. Cut Content: Naofumi’s Training Arc & The Betrayal Of The Other Heroes | SHIELD HERO Season 2
Give yourself a bit of branding.
Ngl first ep got me bored oof