In this video Ishtar shares his childhood Near Death Experience NDE. Following the traumatic accident and death of his mother Ishtar has been is a psychic, astrologist, and spiritual coach.
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👉🏻Silvia’s New Book: https://www.amazon.com/Downloads-Heaven-Compilation-Transformative-Messages-ebook/dp/B08BN4GZ61/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=downloads+From+heaven&qid=1595798679&sr=8-2
#nde #neardeathexperience #astrology
I had the feeling I was being recorded back in 93. Trippy.
As a thirteen year old, loosing a parent is tough especially in a society where that age group is defined challenging… but, God never forsaken His children. In addition, I an thrilled to know that your early awareness of the gift within you has comforted you. Priceless!
Beautifully expressed and explained in a way it should work pre-k through whatever highest education would be, as long as the mind and heart is ready to listen.
Thank you, thank you, for wrapping it up
In extraordinary way, so we all to appreciate where we are and grow / develop from there.
God bless. Love you all❤🙏
This is my second time watching. I resonate so strongly with both of your commitment to the beauty and learning available to us while we are here in the magnificent glorious and sometimes messy and painful earthly life. We share an underlying understanding of everlasting nature and our oneness with all that is.
I watch NDE accounts all the time for this reason. And in listening to this I realized for me it is having that daily companionship of others who hold this understanding of our spiritual nature. Not through dogma or handed down teachings (which offer their own benefits) but through actual experience. That’s where it’s at for me in this lifetime. Watching NDE stories is my way of creating a “monastic community” for my daily life. I have been a meditator for 34 years and my practice is about expansion of consciousness through direct experience. And while many of my beloveds which whom I share daily earthly life don’t have this practice or spiritual perspective it’s lovely to be able to touch in all the time with those who do. Keeps me rooted in my true “home.” Thank you deeply. I’ve watched many of these but I haven’t commented before as far as I can recall and I just want you to know how much I appreciate the work you do.
By the way…. im def in LOVE with Silvia!!
By the way…. im def in LOVE with Silvia!! LOL! i know i cant be the ONLY one…
Ishtar looks like Farley in Bev hills ninja! LOL AWESOME!!!
GOD Bless You Brother.
I would love to take lessons on meditation.
My mother lived alone and I never worried about her. One day I called to check on her and she didn’t answer, but I never worried if she didn’t because she would go out. But for some reason I started panicking and called my sister. We ran over there and she didn’t answer the door, so I climbed in the window and she was sleeping on the couch and I thought she was dead, so I Shook her and she woke up. Three months later her friend went to pick her up to go out and she didn’t answer and she called my sister and when they went there she was lying in the same position but she passed away. She had a little notebook and right before she died she wrote that she had a dream that she was in heaven wearing a gown with all diamonds on it and they were falling all over the floor sparkling. I just have a feeling this was to get me ready for that to happen. It’s so good she passed after my father because he would not deal with it good.
I very much enjoyed this conversation. Thank you! 🥰
I was always confused by being a "good person". Its true that I feel like I fake my love and compassion. Which doesn't even feel like I am being loving, because my actions are motivated by pride.
I find Sylvias mannerisms so interesting. This man came here far more enlightened than most and so I suppose that’s why it was so hard for her to relate.
I'm still working my way through all your NDE videos. All your videos are just amazing Silvia thank you. I just get drawn into each videos your amazing at interviewing and you such a pretty lady. God bless you 🙏❤and peace to you 🙏from Rob from Wales uk 🇬🇧🙏
I met the light. It was is void dimension. I was scared, didn’t know what was happening. It said “don’t be afraid”, it turned into a. Human figure, very large, white beard, and hair. It’s cool, because it perused me. I was having hard time at night time, then the light pursued me. I never had hard time again.
My brother just died in a car accident. I’ve never been spiritual, but I’m trying to learn as much as I can now about NDE. This gives me hope he is still there 🧡 thank you for this video
How do we find Ishtar’s website?
Thank you unique old soul
36 North Node🎆
💜💎 8:44 💎💜
I like watching your segments and will continue to tune in, but once I heard “astrology” at the opening of this segment, I switched off!!
I wish to god I’d just not wake up
I love this one
Great interview with Ishtar-he is very genuine and authentic. Very inspirational and comforting to listen to. Thank you for the interview Silvia.
I have a crush on silvia
Wow, what a wild occurrence. I lost my mom when I was young as well. I'm hoping we Do get to see people we've lost, I like to think that we will
I had a uncle when i was little that i loved very much he would tell me that he would die soon i was 9 or 10 years old i didnt think much of it then. when i turned 12 years old he died in a fire that was 55 years ago still miss him.
Wonderful interview. You are the most authentic interviewer … 😀
I wish Ishtar was my friend.
Silvia: How do you keep from judging people? I mean, you are not going to agree with everyone, but yet you seem to see their side of things (without judgment). How do you stop labeling and thinking negatively of people?
Love Divine shines through your eyes so strong, Silvia. My heart sings in harmony. When you look at us, we melt and become connected to the God within us all. Your guests are beautiful brave souls but you are the chalice that holds the Divinity too! Thank you for being that here.
There is more than this life. One day I walked by my daughter and a voice in my head said,"Your going to lose your daughter in a car wreck." I shook it off as being an overprotective mom. I would say roughly a month before strange things would happen. I had a t.v. consistently turn off and on in my bedroom an there wasn't any kind of timer deal on it. I heard my father who has been passed some 30 years call out my name. She was getting a ride home from school from a couple of friends. She was killed in the backseat in a two car collision. The seatbelt she was wearing failed to save her. In retrospect she seemed to know she wasn't going to be here long..to many things to mention. When her belongings from school were brought to me one being her backpack. In it she drew a crude picture of the accident scene. She drew the two cars involved, the intersection, the wooden fence along the road. She drew graffiti on the road that other students had drawn for her as well as another young man that had died in the other car. Crosses that were placed on the side of the road she drew. She drew a heart beat on one side of the road and another heart beat placed higher on the other side of the road. She had small circles randomly drawn all over the picture. I found out later through talking to the other young man that died mother that his grandfather had given him a huge amount of pennies to deposit in the bank. They were all over the road with the crash and that's what she saw and drew. So many things happened..to many to mention and all unbelievable. I know life goes on and have sensed her spirit and smelled the last perfume she wore. Even through sensing her spirit from time to time and knowing I will see her again it still doesn't take the pain away of not being able to hug and kiss her, talk to her and hear her voice and laughter again. One more day closer my beautiful daughter. XXOO!