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About the Author: Warner Bros. Pictures


  1. Are you ready to suspend disbelieve for 2 hours? Completely? Don’t ask questions like, what happened to all the old grandmas in the graduation stands. Don’t ask why a plane wasn’t using radar or communicating with a tower.

  2. Born and raised in Oklahoma. Our tornado season just started 😭. We've already had a few tornadoes and the season just started. I don't know why I'm going to watch this movie since I can see the real deal outside. I guess I just want to stress myself out tonight 🤣

  3. pfft, according to Twister, anyone dies in a tornado just didn't hang on tightly enough to something fixed to the ground… also wtf I was looking for a movie about Churchill and WWII

  4. Warner is this movie inspired by the May 3rd 1999 Outbreak that went through Moore Oklahoma?Because the last tornado did the same thing that the May 3rd storm did.

  5. لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله عليه وسلم رسولبكم استخفراصم بكم الملك صم سر الاشريكبكم الله يسلمك يا التحليقات ولثباعمطركهرباء موتمسيحنهم البابا ريش موتمسيحنهم كامله ايجب من الملك رسول الله قران كريم علياوسلم الله عليه وسلم رسولبكم استخفراصم الاضصم قرانبكم

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