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On her final adventure in the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy, Lara Croft gets rekt in Shadow of the Tomb Raider!
#ShadowOfTheTombRaider #TombRaider #LaraCroft
Hi everyone.
I apologize that this video took so long to upload. I had personal matters I had to attend, but I'm back.
Thank you all for being so patient. Hope you all enjoy the video.
– EightOfSupreme
EDIT – Holy cow 1,000,000 + views?! Thats crazy! Thank you all so very much!!! You guy are awesome.
this game is 18+. I want to see more meat. for example, how she is beheaded, how intestines fall out of Lara's torn belly.
Too boring. Not enough dismemberment and guts.
They really got lazy with the death animations in this one
lara Croft hits the ground
1:42 LMAO!!! Good riddance.
oh… poor lara…
8:20 love this one
gorilla tag be like : 3:47
Imagine falling off a mountain. There's nothing you could do but accept your inevitable demise
All of the ones with Lara drowning would've been better if it would've played the Super Mario 64 drowning sound effect!
6:55 Man, that must take some skill to finish your sentence after you've already died!
0:13 that was pretty unexpected- Peppy Hare!
I love the way when Lara bounces off like a ball when she dies, it happened to me also recently when I accidentally press "c" key and let Lara falls to the cliff and she just literally bounces back where she fell off. lmao
Can you save this kid at the begginnig of game ?
dude thqt snake death scene is horrifying i am scared of snakes
13:10 I couldn't help but laugh hysterically xD
1:40– 1:44
Today we’re gonna be looking at the top 10 most saddest video game deaths, in-
Okay so number 8!
This game is so bad
the death ragdoll is flying and jumping all over the place
5:05 The Next 3 Were Really Brutal
Lara: Climbs The Tree Then Forgot That Jaguars Can Climb The Trees As Well
2:27 The Wolf Den
Bouncing death animations 👀