15 Animals Fighting And Dying Tragically In The Trenches

15 Animals Fighting And Dying Tragically In The Trenches
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It’s not fun and dandy living in the bush. Every day is a struggle to survive and everyday animal are on the prowl for food. Herbivores look for fresh greens to eat, and carnivores look to eat the herbivores. Have you ever seen a male lion annihilate a hyena? Do you think lions are afraid of monitor lizards? If you want to find out, keep watching, as we look at animals fighting and dying tragically in the trenches.

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Lion Attack On Leopard

This lion pride has managed to capture a leopard, and they are mangling the leopard badly. This is difficult for the leopard, even though most of them are still young. Twelve lions pouncing on a single leopard is fatal and that’s exactly what happens. To flush out a leopard that was hiding in a huge thicket, a lioness called on the support of the others. Lions were running from one another over open plains when, finally, the male arrived for the kill, unleashing an explosion of noise and chaos beneath the bush. This clip begins with the leopard being cornered by the lions once more. If attacked, a leopard’s best defense is to lie flat on its back, claws extended, and teeth bared. It appears that the leopard is dead at the end of the video, but he is in fact alive and well, pretending to be dead, so the lions are no longer interested in him. This stunning video shows three lions attacking a leopard that was trying to flee by climbing a tree to avoid being eaten. In the end, the leopard was slain by the three felines.

Leopard VS Python

This leopard meets a huge snake in the bush and growls a whole lot, giving the snake a few taps on the back, but that’s about it. I would growl and run as fast as I could if I met a snake in the bush. It doesn’t look like the leopard will have snake noodles for lunch today. The leopard’s cub approaches and lets his mom know he’s not impressed with her performance. This leopard manages to bite a python and drag it a few meters on the ground, but at one point, the leopard lets go of the snake, which returns into the water, the moment it can.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. same old video just different order you the scary cherry fanccy banana same videos with no new material desprate to make videos find another subject or title the videos same lame shit as last video

  2. I have no problems with the life and death struggles of the African savanna, however one that I find difficult to watch is when a pride of lions attack a lone leopard. Even in the most trying of times a single leopard cant possibly deprive a pride of lions its share of food.

  3. 🗣️ If you don't bring back the other dude, i am gonna start giving 👎🏿 to the videos and unsubscribe ASAP !!!! You have 1 week to bring back the other Dude.

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