Podcast guest 477 is Erik Swenson. During Erik’s near death experience he experience multiple awarenesses. Join this channel …
Podcast guest 477 is Erik Swenson. During Erik’s near death experience he experience multiple awarenesses. Join this channel …
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Erik and Jeff, thank you so much for this beautiful episode!!!
Oh! Jeff! I just loved this interview ! Thanks! Made so much sense to me ! Loved it!
I'd like to know what sort of things someone talks about who has transitioned? How would we know if we are not creating in our reality what we believe through our intention , as they say?
He's mesmerizing!
Erik, you are amazing. I felt so much joy listening to you.
Thank you Jeff and Mara for another great interview.
This happens to me quite often. I "hear" messages, but I don't really hear a voice. I think that I should really call them "downloads" instead because the messages are not given to me using a voice. I have actually heard voices also, but that was different because they were so annoying, I had to ask them to stop! I was trying to sleep when I heard them, and didn't care to hear anything because I was tired so I told them to stop annoying me! I waited for five minutes and I didn't hear anything so I closed my eyes and made myself comfortable again. I was just starting to drift away into sleep 😴😴😴 when suddenly I heard the same voice say: "have a good night Sonia" 😳 and it woke me up again 😠, then I just laughed 😆. Ever since then, they stopped bugging me at night 😊
Amazing experience Erik…..for the voice part i came across some literature online…..have a read
There are 5 types of mind sounds in vedic literature
1. Vak/Vach-mechanical sound caused by interaction of objects including sound waves using air as medium sound waves and air both objects in a sense, 2. Madhyama-sound in the mind realm-thoughts–just as sound waves use air as medium—the madhyama is the medium between body and mind realms–physical and mental realms, 3.Pashyanti-is the sound in the perception realm coming from the collective mind and accessed by the individual mind through downward perception (not upward–the usual upward perception is when you perceiving something; downward is coming from the collective to you–intuition, clairvoyance, premonition), 4. Para–divine vibrations–the highest-coming from the source–it is vibrations–but then these pass thru Pashyanti, Madhyama and come into Vak/Vach realms—then you repeat/reproduce these vibration with/using your energies and tools – thoughts, speech, sonicsight.
Erik is such a grounded sweet human! What a wonderful way of perceiving life he has. I will listen to this one again… he’s really inspiring in such a refreshing and unique way. Such a centered but joyful guy.
Very eloquent guest. I myself found that the more grateful I am the more I am of service And think In abundance The more I receive with less effort. It’s like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets so never stop trying
Great interview with an intelligent honest man!
wonderful interview. thank you! just an fyi that many in the early church did not believe in eternal torment in hell. many of us no longer do as well. though we still definitely 'believe in' jesus. it's all about unconditional love, yes!
I truy enjoyed listening to Eric. He is so gentle, sincere and awakened. I understand fully when he talks about how he hears voices and i agree that it's so difficult to explain. I hear spirit in so many different ways like i hear words without a particular voice, inside my head, outside my head, close to my ear or a few feet away.
I also hear spirit with my soul. Sometimes it's a very powerful loud voice with a sort of a musical tone (very hard to explain) i think the loud musical tone one is from an Archangel. Lately i have been able to pick up the most faint far away voice like when my Gardian angel gave me his/her name after i had asked for it (no gender attached to the voice) It sounded like it was coming from a far away dimention. Truly fascinating topic.
Thanks Jeff for another wonderful podcast from my favourite channel.
Thanks for sharing. I lost my husband 18 months ago and I know he is still with me. I went to see a psychic and she told me he walked in with me !!! She told me through him so many truths that she couldn't possibly have known. He was also a man of very few words when in body but in spirit he couldn't stop talking as he so desperately wanted to tell me things. Sending blessings 🙏
It’s a soul connection. Listen with your heart.
Thank you Jeff and Erik. What a delightful person and enlightening discussion!
Thanks a lot Erik and Jeff! A great episode! I loved it!
What a lovely man.
Thank you Jeff and Mara, awesome guest and thank him for sharing his experiences, AMAZING!!
Great guest Jeff, where can I find the shortened NDE videos Jeff I can’t find them can you put the link in your channel section plz
can he share the full name or contact of the psychic he visited? I can see his whole demeanor changed after talking about visiting her, so she sounds legit.
Thank you Jeff. Thanks Erik for sharing your experience.
I love this man's story sometimes I just want to let go god please forgive me. Thanks jeff
My son actually did this strange thing in the pool. He jumped in and just laid in the bottom looking up at me. He must have been 2.5. Just laid there! I had to jump in with my clothes on with my phone in my pocket. When I pulled him up he was 100% with it and hasn’t sucked in water. He wasn’t trying to trick us because he came up confused. I wonder why kids do this? Maybe it’s some kind of test for the parents lol (will she ruin her phone for me? 🤔). All kidding aside he has had several brushes with death since then. One where he stopped breathing completely and turned gray during a seizure. He is now 14 and has no recollection of any out of body experiences. Who knows maybe something will surface as an adult. I’m left with trauma to untangle from it all, honestly. He still has scary asthma episodes that compound the trauma. I feel like he has many exit points he could have used by now but so far has chosen to stick around ♥️🙏🏻
"The essence of the Creator is unconditional love." Oh yes! Last night, I was having a dream within a dream, and in that dream, I saw a castle divided up into small parts like puzzle pieces. On each piece was written, "Everything in the universe is constructed of Love." I told a dream friend about the dream in my dream, and then I got this huge adrenaline rush and woke up so I could remember it. I know it was a message. I love God so much. <3
So grateful for this amazing interview. Thanks Erik and Jeff.
Erik has a beautiful energy, very Yeshua like in his loving, positive nature.
He is a kind and majestic soul. I love his tender demeanor. He is truly right in the totality of his testament.
Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊