A student at Coppell ISD was held in a chokehold while other students were watching.
A student at Coppell ISD was held in a chokehold while other students were watching.
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America should start looking at their own dismal Human rights violations and racial violence instead of looking at others. Shameful
And then U.S preach the entire world about Human right violations.
Even when their younger generation is absolutely ruined,just like the older ones.
That's how Blacks, Yellow & Brown people r treated in USA but they r concern about problems of other countries.
Better watch ur own backyard.
This racism from what school authority did. Now after investigation they will become Saint. Will US human rights take up the matter.
Even if he made threat we can see who the aggressor is in the video. How can parents defend this. Shameless
This is the problem with the way Republicans want to run things, this is their brand of "Freedom", we see it taking hold in the Supreme court and now in Republican run asylums like Texas and Flori-duh. They want to everything to court so they have to be bothered with deciding "right and wrong" they want everything, including the federal government to a "court case" bc that ensures that those who are wealthy that can afford super lawyers and/or a payoff can have the court render a decision for the wealthy well connected whites.
Basically, you can do what you want to anyone you want but if there's a complaint get a lawyer and file suit. If you are expecting a fair shake from a republican local, state or town official you are mistaken. The plan is to get everyone who they see as "not belonging to their group" to leave. That way a state like Texas with 38 electoral college votes can dominate the electorate with less people voting. So in radically insane places like the Caliphate of Texas this is acceptable behavior for rich white kids, I bet his mom and dad took him out for a treat I hope they kept it on a leash, I heard Texas has leash laws.
The school officials need to be disciplined first.
Sam Wellington
250 Penuel Dr, Coppell, TX
I don't understand why none of the other kids intervened to stop. The school board being biased is sickening . The school has a responsibility to act fairly. If school leadership are incapable of making the right decision they need to resign and atleast let a competent person have the job . But I also believe it is each parents responsibility to fix their kid's behavior. It is a shame to all the kids who just watched .
America is as racist as a country could get !
The school will most likely use the same playbook as their King's to drag this one out to Supreme court. This could give time to the aggressor's parents to dig dirt on the victim's family.
Say NO to Bullying ✊️
predominantly white school, predominantly white teachers, administrators. The white kid is wrong, and they will just defend him even if there is evidence of him bullying.
Poor kid this is awful- I can’t believe no one helped
This is what republican promoting in texas racism
Weak that the superintendent won't go on camera, apologize, and promise to do better. His letter he put out is absolutely pathetic. As for the parents of the bully, if they can't see the aggression and arrogance in their son's eyes when he's putting this kid in a chokehold, they are blind. Did they not go to middle school? It's pretty obvious what's going on. It's not a short video and it's completely out there for anyone to watch.
This isn't Racism. It's plain pure BULLYING . It could have been a white, oriental , brown or black.
Racism is how the school acted.
The sickest part is the one getting bullied got suspended from school for 3 days and the Bully got only 1 day …………This type of behavior only results in school shootings…Even my blood boils after seeing this against the school's sick mind ….. Can't imagine how the one getting bullied would feel….The bully along with the principal who suspended the victim should be thrown out of school
Student privacy law??!! So I was right it's not just parents of bullies who should be questioned for the upbringing but also the school authorities on what kind of values they want to impart to their students be it of any colour. For example: Stay quiet when intimated, never speak up when threatened, don't stand up for the Right things and continue doing the wrong things till you reach in that dark special place where even your parents can't help you get out from. You know there is always a law against ragging and bullying. If you don't stand now then when?
and people wonder why people shoot up schools hmmmm
Texas is racist as G
This is a act of racism
This kid and his father and school management should get punished
In USA only white lives matter.
That student should be suspended temporarily until further notice period
There should be some regulation that doesn't allow board member's children to get admission in school. Kids usually think that they can't do anything if their parents are running the school. Mostly bullies are born and brought up in rich familes.
Keep pushing… how about getting the "Principal" fired?
White privilege again!
Remove the bully
Disturbing! What's worse is that the bully's friends and family spreading lies defaming the victim. Very poorly handled by the school
Dear parents, Grow your Kid big enough give muscle building proteins from 10 yrs of age,
I started work out from 12 years of age to repel enemies stay away from touching us.
From 9th standard , daily I do 50 pushups and use dad's dumbells to pump my arms.
Arm wrestling at the last bench with my friends
To everyone who think US is best place for their kids ,,,tbh no one will help if we are in such situation you're always an outsider for US
Wait this happened??? I went there 2 years ago, I feel so bad for that kid :((((
If someone do that to me, I grab a pencil and stick it into his eye
If he was black then protest will happen across the streets
I have watched this over and over again. It makes me very sad seeing this. I feel so much for the family.
Ha! At my school you would have gotten suspended for having hair that long.
This gives me feeling of what would have happened to Black people in America because there was no one to help them, same thing happened to that kid even there was video evidance victim was punished with 3 days detention and bully got 1 day detention, scary
How can you justify your lawyer's hand movements against the First American while she is of Indian descent herself? Perhaps, these parents should teach their son how to defend himself as a right guaranteed to an American citizen…or maybe immigrants should read the Constitution in the first place not expecting others to serve them or protect them all time because that's impossible. We have to stand and fight for our rights and not flee because there is no place for an American to flee to. The legal system is useless often granting excessive financial payouts yet the problem still remains. Its called building culture and character as a parent's responsibility to teach their children how to serve their Country properly or themselves for that matter. In 1989, My son died and no lawyer ever represented me but I led the entire US Navy against the Country that caused it. So much for attorneys.
Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter are a joke for representing this bully.