A dog with a chain collar too tight to be removed has to have it cut off with bolt cutters, Doc is out multiple times, and a whole lot more in this latest episode of Horse Shelter Heroes!
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Can you specify the kind of Gorilla tape you need
RIP Applejack .
shame on the little lady at least she was there – looked after and loved – and her own stall
best ever Gorilla tape where is the Gorilla???- that shows how power full these are and the
smaller horse is one HP love the show it is really coming together – what would be more powerful the horse are the gorilla
So sorry about applejack.
Bless all of your time with all the animals
Betcha " pokie n Jack might pull a cart as a team.
I am grief-stricken about Apple Jacks' passing. We love De Lente and donated to his fundraising for medical procedures and after care. THANK YOU HORSE PLUS HUMANE SOCIETY TEAM OF ANGELS.💖💖💖
It's really stupid of you letting people who have no idea how to.work those donkey….really disgusting to ruin them
poor apple jack TwT she was so cute, but at least she got to spend her last moments in a good place, you guys did all that you could do. TwT
Good news and bad news for some of the animals in this video. Bottom line? More good than bad. I love this organization so much. Great people make up a great organization, without a doubt. This group are the very best of the best. Thankfully for the animals, care takers who are honest and caring are now in place.
Prayers for Applejack🐎🙏
Who’s Cory dating
Please correct the sound, it's hard to hear some of the videos, this one especially.
I have a friend who's horse needed eye removal surgery due to cancer. He's been doing great for years.
RIP Applejack.
so many beautiful horses! but of course, all horses are beautiful. as much as I love seeing the horses and donkeys, I cant help but feel excited seeing other animals too. im so glad that dog was able to get that chain taken off. that would have been such a horrible situation if it lasted any longer. thank you for saving all critters big and small, regardless of fur, feathers or scales.
Emu oil will help on healing that wound. It will grow back the hair with full color. and reduces scaring
With the blind pony try putting a cup of apple cider vinegar into her water. It helps with electrolytes as well as giving her a scent to follow.
I like the way you save the horse Nannette
I would really love to see the name of people who are talking on the screen. I mean it would really help to get to know people that work there and just be more engaged.
Hugs to y’all to loose a horse during the night is sad. applejack is running free and you gave Applejack peace and love.
Was she actually jumping that horse that had the boots on? I thought the boots were because the horse was sore. Or was that a different horse?
It is so amazing what all you have done for all these animals! The vet barn looks like it's coming along nice! Can't wait to see a tour when it's finished!
Question : “ what is that “
Doc : Superglue
Question: what is that for
Doc : to hold things together