3 True Movie Theater Horror Stories Animated

3 True Movie Theater Horror Stories Animated
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3 True Movie Theater Horror Stories Animated

#theater #scary #IMR

These are movie theater horror stories. Do enjoy and leave a like.

Story 1 & 2written by Aritri
Story 3 written by Gustavo

Male Narration by Luke
Female Narration by Molly


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About the Author: IMR Scary Tales


  1. 30:35 "The woman ran on all fours…" Uh… she's running normally on two legs. /: I don't get why the animation doesn't match what's going on like half the time.

  2. I just am looking at the man from the first story and thinking "doesn't he look like Michael Jackson <0"

  3. Huh first one danceing bit like Michael Jackson 😅.
    The door mop it's like vr placement.
    The second one I called it really eirly
    One that was so expected predictable but twisted.
    The 3rd one wow kick her ass lol she's doing a wheres wally 😅

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