3 True Movie Theater Horror Stories Animated
#theater #scary #IMR
These are movie theater horror stories. Do enjoy and leave a like.
Story 1 & 2written by Aritri
Story 3 written by Gustavo
Male Narration by Luke
Female Narration by Molly
That dance😨
watching this during testing lmao.
idk if second story j scere all i know is its good
This channel should get atleast 200 million subscribers
Yo man the background music of the 1st story was so cool. The whole fighting scene and it's background music 😎😎😎
hey! quick question: do you guys have an email? I would love to contact you to ask about narrating!
In story 2 the girl in the gray shirt was smiling an the other weren’t
Nice imr
Is that a Michael Jackon on the thumbnail??
on story 1,well the starting,WHY IS SHE MOPPING THE CARPET!!!but your videos are still amazing
Thanks to Samara , i no longer trust women with big breasts
That first video was crazy did he even actually love her if he did it to other women?
Stop telling us to subscribe to you 😠!!!!
I thought she had a dog in the first story, so she had a cat and dog?
off topic but like, can we hear the full version of the song being sung?! she sounds amazing!
I am Roy too but from the same ethnicity as Aritri Chatterjee …. although i live in Australia
2nd one: Lanky box has entered the chat😎
Does anyone know what sound effect they kept playing over and over in the first story? There was one at 5:07
30:35 "The woman ran on all fours…" Uh… she's running normally on two legs. /: I don't get why the animation doesn't match what's going on like half the time.
28:56 "I looked for her desperately with my eyes." As opposed to what… looking for her with your hair? Your nose? Your ass?
I just am looking at the man from the first story and thinking "doesn't he look like Michael Jackson <0"
Huh first one danceing bit like Michael Jackson 😅.
The door mop it's like vr placement.
The second one I called it really eirly
One that was so expected predictable but twisted.
The 3rd one wow kick her ass lol she's doing a wheres wally 😅
The dance 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
4:10 why the fuck is she still standing there? Go get your phone, you stupid woman!
The 2nd one the red head girls lip was upside down
Bruh keep up the good work IMR
Her best friend is crazy 😧
First girl is dun I would have ran out of there
anyone noticed how the dude in the last animation hair, eyes, and eyebrow color were changing? 😂
talking to the mom like that was uncalled for
Did anyone notice on the last story she said the women was chasing them on all fours when obviously she was standing up.
I pushed the exit door and it opened that’s pretty obvious you know?
Edit:I realized that it could be locked
I miss the guy with the deep voice
I hate how most of the new stories have a r**e undertone now. I miss the old stories.
Theyre not true. Also this shit is as scary as the peeple playground lore.
The narrator literally sounds like light yagami
First Lady was so stupid actually 😭
Nice bro! 👍👍🔥🔥
I want the old narrators tbh
third story the dialogues between the main character and her boyfriend roy was so entertaining
I'm Officially Addicted 2 this channel 😍🥰🥲Bravo!!
The first one was prolly Michael Afton dw
O bhai hindi story banao yaar 🙏