Mother dog survived without veterinary help for several months in incredible pain on the street!

Mother dog survived without veterinary help for several months in incredible pain on the street!
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Mother dog survived without veterinary help for several months in incredible pain on the street!

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A once street Doggie
who got her leg cut off by a machine!
A factory worker told us how she’d lost her leg! Running away from someone she entered the factory where a cutting machine caught her and tore her leg off! She survived without veterinary help for several months in incredible pain on the street!
And after that day… that became an extremely traumatized Doggie!
A Doggie who we couldn’t touch due to her trauma from the street! We couldn’t pet her! She reacted to our every attempt by trying to bite us! She didn’t have a chance of a home in that mental state! We rescued her from the street with her 3 puppies!…
And here she is today! Thanks to wonderful people who worked with her!…
Today that Doggie walks on a leash! She walks by herself without her leash and doesn’t want to escape! You can touch her! You can pet her! Without her trying to bite you!
And now she’s got a chance of a home! SHE’S READY!… It’s up to us now to give her that chance! And we will give her a new life!

Thanks rescuer: Fahrudin Caki Bravo
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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Mein Gott wie traurig man sieht im Video das dort Menschen sind und keiner hat geholfen was bitte sind das für herzlose Menschen. Danke vielmals für die Rettung die arme Mama was musste sie unnötig leiden.😡😡😡😡👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿😡😡👎🏿😡👎🏿😡😭😭😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. que c'est vraiment triste pour cette maman avec ses bébés en plus une patte en moins grâce aux personnes formidable qui se sont occupés des chiots et qui se sont occupés de la maman par la suite merci beaucoup pour eux

  3. Sois buenas personas,ayudáis a animalitos indefensos y les dais otra oportunidad de que tengan una vida digna y feliz..muchiiiisimas gracias por lo que hacen

  4. She still looks a little bit timid and maybe bit upset about losing her babies bt I know on some level she knows her babies are in good homes. I didn't like that small fenced off area they had her in at the end. We want an update on her so we KNOW she is being properly cared for, give us an update on her 😇

  5. Ela sabe q tinha as 4 patas e agora por causa dos seres malditos ela perdeu sua patinha, mt triste saber q esses monstros miserável esta entre nos e só Deus pra combate los em breve o mundo vai está livre desse demônio do mal

  6. Eles viram o sofrimento da mãe , ebtbm sofreram mt , como pode né , tanta gente pasando pra la pra ca vendo e nada fez só uma pessoa q fez isso é mt falta de compaixão , esse povo sabe q Deus tbm vai virar a costa pra eles tbm aq se faz aq se paga

  7. جزاكم الله خيرا الجزاء وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم وبارك الله فيكم على هذا العمل الرائع الذي قمتم به من أجل هاته الكلبة المسكينة وجرائها

  8. Muito obrigado por ajudar esta família e principalmente esta mamãe tão especial!! Que eles agora só venham a conhecer e viver, dias bons e felizes!!!🧡🤍💜💛

  9. maminka kde máš nožičku……zlatko statočné, ako to zvládaš so šteniatkami………super , už vám bude lepšie ……..bože, šteniatka sú celé vystrašené……..aj maminka sa bojí……

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