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This is like 2012(a natural disaster movie) all over again. I luved that movie
Can you make more ark
I’m now sobbing for the Windsor leader ; _; THEY EVEN LOOKED UP AT THE METEOR TOO
“N o .”
(FYI,I type as soon as I find something funny,so expect me to type atleast 2-5 times in your vids)
they are children ?
when the cities were falling i was listening to emotional music
My mom hom Dominica there hurricane
Omg I love how tiu knowteds windsor (where i live 😍😍)
Im Also from norway
EVERBURG was just toxic at the end
I don't know why but the fact that one of the teams was named Windsor was really funny to me,, sounds familular.
Love the vid and I have an idea that you could do this again but with mods like a marvel mod or something maybe 🤔
Please make more videos like this! I absolutely loved this
Anybody knows the name of the background song on 4:35? I was searching for it for a pretty long time now
I like how this simulate how the real world would be like
bigger than brazil me: UR GOING TO BRAZIL (yeah im not funny 🙁 )
you know no one would need to use a gas mask in a "natural" disaster.
Tech y
Hi lover fella, is there a way I can be in one of theese amazing videos
He he he ha
Stop posting
Loverfella is sooooo bad
21:05 Literally every disaster movie ever does this:
17:35 since when did u become a news reporter
(spoiler alert) I really thought everburg would win!!!!
znów uciekamy przed tsunami
kills pig "that will come back to haunt them"
This was a really good one, you should do more of them
Where did you get the Windsor map?
Wait…how did they pollute the environment so bad that it could hurt them???
Like what did they do?
Too much smoke from furnace?
Too much organic items rotting?
Are there only little kids on this server?
There is a city in Canada named windsor
no offense but loverfella doesn't know the scale of brazil because that meteor was WAY smaller than brazil
Video idea: Civilization of players over 25 years old vs Civilization of players under 15 years old!
hmmmm lover fella i fell bad for the last player on the other like Country
Ah yes Trouble In Paradise
I felt quite sad after seeing winsor be desolated by the meteor strike
I'm pretty sure these are all real places because Windsor is a real place in England.
Good job also congrats on 3 mil
the Minecraft version of negan lookin dude