sometimes days just take a weird turn.
| CTFxC Day 4,476 on 5.17.22
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My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
Poor thing! So glad that are giving him a chance, no matter what the outcome!
squirrels can pass diseases and parasites to humans and pets so be careful ..💕🦋 love from Worcestershire in England 💕🦋
What a PRECIOUS Child !
I think it's interesting that just when we feel like we have nothing left, something comes to us and we find that place to work from. That's I think what that little squirrel did for your video. I do hope he lives but if nothing else he brought all of you together in one goal. God Bless. 😁👋🧡
Thank you for taking care of that. Poor thing. I hope he gets the help he needs to get better. I love when you rescue animals.
I just love Pop T with Remi now. Remember he didn't want to hold her when she was just born. 💞
What is wrong with your audio every time Ellie talks You can barely hear her
I love how soft hearted you are with animals Allie. We are kindred spirits when it comes to wanting the best for all of our animal friends. It doesn't always turn out the way we might hope but all we can do is hopefully show them gentle kindness at the end if that's how it goes. Hugs to all of you.
That tile actually looks really good by door.
I hope the little squirrel makes it. Pop T was honored to have a kiss on his head bestowed by princes Remi. I’m happy with your content. I have watched your channel since the beginning and you are entertaining Charles. The rest of us don’t do amazing things everyday. We watch because we like hanging out with you. Sincerely, Lana
I loved that sweet kiss on Pop Ts head…
On yesterday’s video I almost left a comment saying how it’s been a little while since there was an animal rescue…
Remi is so cute
Y’all about had me crying! I hope he is ok! You all have such great hearts 💕
You guys have the BEST hearts! It is SO evident you have passed this on to sweet Remi as well. Just love you guys!
Allie, hang in there even if you have to regroup. Doing projects yourself can be frustrating but once they are done, the satisfaction is worth it. Hopefully the squirrel survived the night but an injured animal has a tough fight. I think you did the right thing because it seems inhumane to just leave her alone in the yard left for a certain fate. Keep her warm, safe and surrounded with caring and let nature (and hopefully the vet) determine the outcome 🙂
That was a awesome awesome and fun fun Vlog to watch
Can you guys do a Instagram live for all the people not on Facebook or maybe a Q & A on Instagram?? ! 😁👏🏻🙏🏻
I like that a little better than the tile in the rv . Its ok we all go through times of feeling low. Your not alone.
We love Pop T!!! 🙂 Nothing..ever..better than a Grandpa.
Snow White not Cinderella
Thank you and God bless you for saving and helping animals . For your love , empathy and compassion for animals and for teaching Remi to be the same .
Too many animals suffering and too much human cruelty and people hurting them
I believe God sent the squirrel to you because He knows you'll be the best person to look after it until morning. I hope it all works out.