In Honor Of MajinCarp
Intro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMn8ImhUVwU
Merch! https://shop.bbtv.com/collections/imdontai
PO Box 56230
Virginia Beach, Va 23456
Bro shut up and just watch
Bro the shark one 😂😂 dontai is too funny bro
did u just say the earth is flat,
Does anyone know where that helicopter was (country)?
We’ll that’s one way to start the video hahah
Everytime Dontai rants about something it's always applicable to himself.
Dontai at 2.16M subscribers but still has a 1.08M intro
This mf won’t stop talking
9:01 My man is fighting for his life, and dontai talking about sarcasm in the chat💀
That shark really said "talk yo shit"😭🤣
Praise God
Lmao they went from laughing watching the shark eat a fish back to splashing around with their face in the water
1:39 That mf almost got cut into a million pieces ong
Most badass shark ever haha
Nahhhh dontais a bot that's tuff
why you rant half the video
nevered di
It's mud btw
Yo the mud place in the end is near my place and if you jump in you literally can't get out or breath it drags you down with a bunch of roots and someone has to pull u out before it's too late…
I believe that if you go into quick sand that its not like shown in movies and actually is easy to get out of, just use your weight to push up.
Idky Dontai talking throughout the guy falling gave me anxiety lmao like dude, c'mon man. Especially the speed talking
Takes a break from social media this is the first video I watch from a long ish time and the first few seconds of the video dontai says I wanna die inside 😐
Finna be hella new near death videos after the war Ukraine
That diver with the shark is like you flipping ya mama off in your room when you get your ass whooped
I've been watching too many imdontai videos because I'm starting to laugh like him 😭
So has said earth is flat many times
Just an FYI the video of the car hitting the bikers, the bikers are 100% in the wrong.
#1 on a road like that there is no distinguished speed limit.
#2 they are on a road, meaning they yield to traffic. Any damage to the truck will be paid for by the biker
Why did tai say icky sticky mud like that at the end 😭
2:04 kobey moment
The last vid tho 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lmaoooo The guys is fighting for his life against the parachute and dontai is talking about being called a bot 😭😭
Fuck dontai :emote: LMAO
These vids keet me going. Please don’t stop.
11:00 what in the squid games glass bridge just happened
Tai your intro still says 1.08Mil 😭😭
React to the world war 3
Don't mess with sharks https://youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Dontai really needs to touch grass 😂
Intro: topnotch 💪
1:46 me trying to land in warzone