Character Preview: Typhoon “The Natural Disasters” 4SG Gameplay ! / WWE Champions 😺
#WWEChampions #WWE #Guersan #GuersansGaming #ColossalClassics #MLC #Preview #ScopelyContentCreator #Typhoon
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WWE Champions is a mobile game available on Android Play Store and Apple’s AppStore
Get the game here: http://bit.ly/WWEGUERSAN
hope next month they do a similar event from a tag team from a diff era like maybe one day hope do they demolition from the legends era maybe even take an example from akam and rezar from aop what are your thoughts guersan?
I think another useful trainer could be dusty rhodes
Holy hell this roster is going to be a then the fiend.
I am hearing a lot of people unhappy that maxed out the talent up and ended up with like 52 shards I think of Typhoon no where near what they needed and not what Scopely said. I think that what those people were unhappy with.
This month looks exactly the same. Same tour types same rewards same garbage in keys
where do you get him at 2 star?
He's definitely gonna become one of my main showboats, It's high time I upgrade from Showboat Shawn
If we don’t get a Shockmaster gear for this character, Scopely is really missing the boat.
please let them add an alt gear as shockmaster! lol and a move where he trips and falls and loses 5 percent health but stuns your opponent with laughter/skip turn
That's a great tip, thanks Guersan. Hope it is possible to get for the grind.
Scopely is not getting our money until they improve.
Would have been nice to see other coaches so the finisher wouldn't be so strong. How many people will actually have earthquake?
How did u manage to charge full 8MP green move for typhoon with trainer ANIMAL giving only 4MP boost ?
They HAVE to give him the Shockmaster costume !!
The fact that he has a WCW link and no Shockmaster gear is a travesty.
Happy birthday to your daughter! You guys have a great weekend and thanks for the videos!
everytime he hits finisher we believe its a submission until he slams the opponent. Btw he is a great f2p character.
That was solid advice. I really learned from it. Thanks G 🤘🖤
Hey guersan how come u block out in the middle of the healthvar
Who is the best trainer and coach for tech ted biase
You'd think that the Shockmaster gear would come with Typhoon. LOL. Or at least his Tugboat gear.
He can benefit from dusty trainer if he is at 7500 talent, generate yellow and protect.
Why no consideration to Dusty for the Blue Blue Yellow kit?
Can we get tagteam gameplay for them?
Looks like another decent FTP for the upcomming MLC
Is he better then andre?
Hey brother… The spot where you put the moves and trainers, you have the wrong ones there… Just figured I'd let you know…
Typhoon have a very good coaching ability
Looking at the free character being an amazing showboat simply 2 star alone I think this event MAY (pun not intended) start to change the thought of Scopley only rewarding heavy spenders.
Typhoon is everything SB braun strowman wants to be looking at his finisher.
bruno at 9k would be great also for his sub 😀
Thanks for the advice
What do you think is he good ? Useful?
So with double armour medals,and the gem damage reduction move,he receives 70% less damage,throw HTM there as well,you're not gonna receive gem damage at all.
Another powerful free character
He looks for me as a borderline tier 1-2 character! So cool and very useful for blitzes an well