What do you guys think of the new intro?! Thank You!! @carljordanmontalban 🙂
Merchandise: @kyosozoku (http://kyosozoku.com)
Car Needs: @behrens_garage
Personal IG: @e_ought
Filmed:/Edited by @carljordanmontalban
What do you guys think of the new intro?! Thank You!! @carljordanmontalban 🙂
Merchandise: @kyosozoku (http://kyosozoku.com)
Car Needs: @behrens_garage
Personal IG: @e_ought
Filmed:/Edited by @carljordanmontalban
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The intro is CRAZY AF
That intros tuffffff
infinity garage?
Jordan got them sick ass edits. Be back my boi 👌
This was an amazing video
I know how that feels breaking down ona freeway. Really sux. Sorry those cars were going so fast scary.
Intro is meaaannn 💯💯💯 All the best Jordan ✊
My friend I believe you might have what's called a hoarding problem with cars !! 😆
Thank you Jordan for blessing us with some beast edits. Look forward to more collabs once Josh is in Japan
cheeee!! MAhaloz Braddah Jordan for always putting up them dope edits. YEssahhhh till Next Time.
Hey that big guy in the grey t shirt, that was Gabe's dad right!? 😮
Also I'm sorta late but we'll miss you Jordan!! I've been a fan since the 2nd upload & seeing you back made me so pumped to watch these again! Even though E Ought is still my top favorite to watch. You two together is nostalgic 🙏
Hope quarantine is quick & till next time bro 🤙
Best 32:19 min I've spent on YouTube
chill, intro too hard !🔥💪🏽
Is that the track we’re the corvette did a 360 entry?
No lug gang lol
Dude the Intro!!!! Can't wait to see Jordan back in action!
That intro is fucking cool, I liked how they had to push the rx7
That intro was straight gas bro!!!! Love the new content, keep up the good work. One of the best car content out there!
Intro was fire
Dude this is exactly what i want to do with my boys. Dirt biking (I don't even know how to ride motorcycle yet!), fixing cars then braking them at the track, chilled rides to events, and much more that involves combustion engines but on top of all Tech Deck!!!!
That intro is 🔥
Stay killing it Jordan ✌🏽
Josh was WHIPPIN that Z geez 🔥
Jordan's edits 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Such a wholesome vlog lol what a great intro too. Love it man
Randy haves Bluetooth wheels for the Z 😂😂💀
Jordan…bro….I know that shxt took FOREVERRR lolll true PRO!
Life goals when your driveway is the car show
Love the intro
yooo I saw y’all cruising to the track that’s crazy I knew it was y’all
Wow that intro is amazing
YO jordán be careful recording the wheels on that busy road bro., like broooooo you can see semi trucks. the entire ending had me shook my boys lmfao much love !
Love the intro! You guys are dope together.
New intro is fire!!!
The craziest video I seen so by far this shit had everything
Siiick intro!!! 🔥🔥🔥
🥲 at the ending message.
Best intro I have seen in a long ass time
that intro is sooooo good
Way better intro