Pets’ sense organs – ears, eyes, nose, paws, and hair – are much more developed than those of humans. So our pets can get a lot of information from the outside world. This helps them know when trouble and danger is approaching.
Pets can hear and see what you can’t. They even have super intuition. They can predict natural disasters or bad weather. They can detect bad people.
They can also anticipate dangerous situations and even help their beloved human.
In this video, we will talk about how your pets try to warn you when danger approaches.
0:00 Pets can warn you when trouble’s coming
0:57 Cat predicts mount vesuvius eruption
1:30 Pets can predict earthquake
3:53 Pets can predict bad weather
5:25 Pets use supervision to warn owners
6:45 Pets have supernose that has saved people’s live
8:10 Dogs can detect bad person
Before a natural disaster, many changes happen in the environment. Prior to earthquakes for example, many chemicals are released from the layers of the earth. And a flow of ions is created by the friction of the Earth’s underground plates rubbing together.
Animals can detect these minor changes in the earth’s magnetic and electric fields.
Animals however, begin to behave strangely long before the start of an earthquake. Reports have shown that dogs and cats often show behaviors such as being restless, trying to escape, or wanting to be near the owner before a disaster.
Asian researchers have been studying animal behavior prior to seismic events.
They discovered that when a disaster approaches, dogs restlessly bark, howl or run away. Cats flatten their ears, meow loudly, and try to escape with their kittens.
Birds and fishes can also provide a natural early warning system for people.
Many people who live in seismic zones keep canaries at home. When an earthquake is coming, this little bird flaps its wings and starts to chirp fearfully.
Japanese householders in earthquake areas often keep goldfish in a bowl. If the fish swim about in a frantic manner, it is believed to signal an approaching earthquake. Rabbits and deer have also been observed to run in terror from epicenter zones some hours before an earthquake.
Animals can also sense when bad weather is coming.
Your pet is sensitive to drops in barometric pressure and atmospheric electricity that come with storms or hurricanes, and they can hear low frequencies that humans can’t, like far-off thunder. Experts also believe that our pets can smell the metallic odor in the atmosphere that occurs right before a storm.
Many animals can quickly sense these changes and will often behave strangely, flee, or hide for safety. If your pet sleeps with their backs to the radiator or fireplace, it may be a sign there will be severe frost or snow. If a thunderstorm is approaching, they usually rush around the house.
Even humans can have reactions to barometric pressure changes—explaining why some claim they can predict a storm due to the headache they get the day before the storm’s arrival.
But it’s not just an earthquake and bad weather that your pet can warn you about.
Scientists have found that many animals such as cats and dogs can see ultraviolet lights. Your four-legged friend can see a whole lot more than you ever could.
Dogs, for example, use ultraviolet light to follow urine marks.
UV light might also be of assistance in wild canines as a method of spotting and trailing potential prey.
A reindeer may use ultraviolet light to see polar bears, which, in visible light, blend in with the snow.
With this superhuman vision, pets have saved their owners more than once.
In Italy, a girl returned from school and went to the garden with her cat. She settled comfortably on a bench. And the cat was sleeping on her lap. Suddenly the cat jumped and began to hiss loudly. The girl looked up and saw a venomous snake had expertly camouflaged on the tree. The cat grabbed the viper with its teeth and defeated the snake.
A cat or dog’s sense of smell has also saved people more than once. This is because your pet’s sense of smell is many times stronger than humans.
A dog’s nose is so powerful that it allows them to find their way back home after being lost on a trip or after wandering away. They follow their own scent trails for miles to retrace their steps, and if the wind is right, they can even use their owners’ scent as well.
Likewise, cats can also find their way back home because they leave olfactory traces along the way. Your cat rubs their face, scratches trees, and pees to diffuse their pheromones and leave a trace.
Pets are truly amazing. Some studies have shown that dogs and cats can even sense a bad person. When your pet hiss or bark at someone, it may be a sign that they don’t like them. Scientists have found that dogs are much more likely to accept a treat from a person who shows kindness toward their owner, and they are more likely to show distrust and growl if they see a person is being mean to their owners.
Thank you for this great info.
– Å fan! 👍
Thanks Admin for the info, and mentioned about in Malaysia, cat gazed at ceiling to the elderly and thief sensed it and run away. Love from Malaysia
One time my 3 cats were running around the house and meowing and trying to tell us something, we figured there was just no food in their bowls or no water, but no! we checked if there was food and water, and there was! their bowls were full.. Since 2 of my cats are inside and outside cats, we tried to let them out of the house to get fresh air, but when my mom smelled something in the air she ignored it and tried to let out my cats (besides the other one) but they still wouldn't go out. we tried everything! but nothing worked, so we went to the vet and got them checked, nothing was wrong, so we decided just ignore it just to find out the next day THERE WAS A HUGE STORM and it struck a nearby house! we were okay but our neighbors weren't.. we prayed for them because they were in the hospital, but when they came back thankfully they were alright. There was lightning and thunder in the sky.. We saw the flashing light outside and found out it was thunder, we went to bed, Unable to sleep. the next day the cats weren't meowing and running around anymore…
And that's my story! Hope you enjoyed it! It was long I know I know but it was worth it! Goodbye!
-Charlotte Zonkel.
My friend's cat was acting strangely, then a star exploded 1,000 light years away.
With my cat, she was yowling for two hour and looking up to get onto the roof, which was 3 metres high eventually she decided to cling high up on the fly screen door. In the whole process of this happening. I heard a sound like a crack then a rumble. Tonga Volcano, 5000 km away.
There was a pet cat of one of Russel Williams victim that saw him hiding in the basement. The woman went to go check and saw her cat staring directly at him in the dark. Idk how that detail came out but I'm assuming she was the victim that had been attacked by Russel on two separate occasion with the second one resulting in her death.
I have no doubt of my cat's ability. It's frequently shown.
This is just one of the reasons I recently just bought a dog 🙂
Appreciated 👍 thank you for saving lives of poor souls. Love from Pakistan
This is why I plan to get another dog soon cause even though I'm a good judge of character my pooch is much better than I am, anyways God bless everyone who comes across this comment ✝️🕊️🙌
I know when we are going to have a earthquake or a hurricane. My Chihuahua gets extra clingy
Cute 🐰
Always know when there's going to be high winds. One of my cats puts her ears back, has a wild look in her eyes and runs round the house jumping on and off furniture and shelves. She's never wrong.
I heard that very few wild animals were hurt after the tsunami of 2004…
I’ll leave all my pets so in the rain they need a good bath. My pet tarantulas love it too
Wow go video I will have to keep my eye out for these signs
Dog a can love supér video 💯👍🐶🐕🐩🐕🦺🦮🍼🍼🥩🥩🐾🐾💩💩😀😀😃😃🐈🐈⬛🍼🍼🥩🥩🐾🐾💩💩😀😀😃😃💝💖❤
Um…the plural of "fish" is "fish"…not "fishes."
My Jonson American bulldog puppy always barks at the window.DOES THAT MEAN THERES A GHOST!!!!!!!!!HELP ME IM SCARED NOW!
Great video. My cat was suddenly very restless and kept running up and down in front of the French windows.Minutes later an earthquake hit. Those people in that town in China didn't really deserve to be saved by the animals, they EAT THEM ALL !
Thanks for giving this video