Hero elephant rescues antelope from drowning | Animalkind

Hero elephant rescues antelope from drowning | Animalkind
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Elephant’s call for help saves drowning antelope.
RELATED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZW02ns5VIg

An animal caretaker saves an antelope from drowning at the La Aurora Zoo in Guatemala after an elephant sounds her alarm.

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  1. Is this some kind of sick show? That man knew for ages that deer was struggling stood back and watched…distressed the elephant and the deer. Disgusting

  2. Elephants share so many of the same qualities that humans have and this is just a point
    in example. They are so intelligent. So are killer whales and then the crow! Which is the only
    animal that not only use sticks and tools to get food out of objects but they put a hook on
    the end of their tool! Not even a chimpanzee does that! Animals are so amazing.

  3. And people kill these wonderful elephahts just for their tusks which are made out of the same things as our fingernails. 🐘🦣

  4. Remember God loves you♥️!!
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Please repent, change your life around and live for Him🙏..
    He is coming back soon🥳🤗……

  5. What a setup, they threw the antelope in there so they could film it for youtube views and clicks, see him standing back waiting for the cameras giving the elephant plenty of time to stress and trumpet, then he jumps in the water to save the animal. They are cruel scum!

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