These extraterrestrial encounters will creep you out! For this list, we’ll be looking at those grainy photos and videos that aliens allegedly make an appearance in. Our countdown includes Fresno Nightcrawler, The Glasgow Glower, The Peekaboo Alien, and more! But are our picks real or fake? We’ll let you be the judge and sound off in the comments.
Watch more great alien videos here:
Top 20 Scariest Movie Aliens: https://youtu.be/XnrKU5BIVFM
Top 10 Historical Events That Were Supposedly Tied to Aliens: https://youtu.be/8u280IJFwyQ
Top 10 CREEPIEST Real-Life Alien Abduction Stories: https://youtu.be/U5URbtVfMmc
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Are our picks real or fake? We’ll let you be the judge and sound off in the comments.
For more Alien content, click here!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAgRgC9knNI&list=PLmZTDWJGfRq2xmHO5iIMC7GaI4gD2kEi9
That second one was obviously a cat up close, I mean seriously
Damn this website still exists
Stop pls I hate u for doing this
Is that real! Omg
Blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry blurry
Aliens are real… I'm real too. So what
these are really bad videos very unclear
Please stop the inclusion of movie clips. They are annoying, unnecessary and childish.
India visitor footage doesn't look made up
The Glasgow glower definitely is something… Wtf !
I’ve seen a cloud move real fast and something behind it slowed down and the cloud shot past it. And the circle orb like layers like a tube was shot across a long distance was looking. It backshot real fast and flipped and went back the other way fast. And the cloud was like smaller than a car.
aliens are real. they're already here. the government is hiding them
The 2nd one is a cat
And I thought the southern border was a problem, but now now alians are coming from other solar systems! This has gotten really out of control!!!
I think 6th one is
you should see what McGuiver can do with chicken + breadcrumbs
Number 9 is a fucking cat
Lmao second video looks like a fucking cat wtf is wrong with them
People been bull shitting for too long.
I see 1 every morning and night when I go sleep
Who filmed the peekaboo alien? Why is watch mojo big mad about him? What’d he do??
With high end cameras now days this videos and photos are wack, all this is fake
No they are fake
Every body need a camera set up outside they house and a Glock and a tactical arms rifle with a scope for anything feel like they can fly over us and we can reach them, well my 308 say otherwise, aliens better float 15 miles up
Crap presentation. FFS.
Great video guys. Keep it up.
ETs find it deeply offensive and rude when we use the term "aliens" to describe them. Rather it is us, they say who are the real aliens by the way we treat each other and the planet. They prefer to be called family; brothers and sisters from the stars as they have always cared for and watched over us throughout our civilization's history.
Does extraterrestrial life exist. I do believe so. Have they visited earth. I don’t believe so.
Look an alien! Let’s get the worst possible camera we have!
all are fake as hell
And how did you determine that these were “aliens” or did you just make up more stuff?
The third is a human
gee wiz people are dumb. That being said NO, we are not alone….
I believe we are not alone but WHY are all of these so-called alien videos and pictures always so washed out, blurry or shaky??? Oh, I know… because they are all fake. I will start believing we have actual visitors when I see a clear non CGI video. Until then, my first assumption will be "That's an obvious fake!"
You are not alone
They all look the same, so it would be strange that the possible real one looks exactly like our costumes.
The fact some people record the video before they even see anything and then say its real though.
We're not alone in the universe. It would be impossible that we were. That being said, there's so much camera editing and whatnot that's just a whole lot of BS.
The thought of not being on this planet anymore terrifies me. I'm terrified of dying- to just dissappear FOREVER. We're given 80 years of life (if we're lucky) then have to dissappear for billions of years… Life is fragile & way too short.
Why should we think we’re the only creatures created besides animals?
Just humans ooga boogaing about things they think arent humans
quick grab the worst camera we have so I can get a pic.
i live in montana