I had a vision of future During my Near Death Experience |NDE
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I had a vision of future During my Near Death Experience |NDE
Jesus IS a fictional allegory created by the most powerful Roman families in the 1st Century as a device for political control?
“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.” ……. Thomas Paine
The sun "dies" for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north.
In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."
The sun is the "Light of the World."
The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him."
The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind."
The sun wears a corona, "crown of thorns" or halo.
The sun "walks on water."
The sun's "followers", "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations through which the sun must pass.
The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High"; thus, "he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12.
The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30.
The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified," which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.
"In the entire first Christian century Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or Roman historian, religion scholar, politician, philosopher or poet. His name never occurs in a single inscription, and it is never found in a single piece of private correspondence. Zero! Zip references!" …….. Bart D. Ehrman
Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill
Can science explain the existence of near or post-death experiences? If you die, you stay that way. So, there is no such thing as a ‘post-death experience’. At least not one you can report to the living. These people’s brains are still alive, or they would not be able to have the experience. That’s why they’re called ‘near-death experiences’, or NDEs. These people are definitely NOT dead. If your brain literally died, then nobody would be able to describe their experience, you would not have the tools to remember, or describe the event. Science can explain the reason for the experience, and can describe the cornucopia of chemicals your brain produces as it looks for a way out of the situation it finds itself in. It can also explain some parts, like seeing a tunnel, or the sensation of floating, as these are due to oxygen deprivation. Science cannot explain why religious people see things that align with their religion, no matter what the religion is, or why some people see relatives, or their lives flashing before their eyes. All we know, is that these experiences are literally NOT real. They are created by the brain as it tries to cope with oxygen deprivation 🙂 I don't understand science or reason, therefore god!