Bodycam footage was released within weeks of a police shooting that injured a man carrying a river rock who police say was refusing to listen to their commands and entered a business. The shooting reportedly happened in the area of 7th Street and Bell Road on May 9.
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The only question I have is why are the lethal options loaded but the less lethal like the stun gun not?
This was totally justified and the suspect survived by luck.
But to have a less lethal option for certain situations and not have it loaded doesn’t make sense.
Why is there always a cop sitting sideways telling us a story on some reading rainbow shit
I bet that guy will think about obeying laws the next time he threatens others with great bodily harm or death..maybe not..some of these people just don't think enough
Great job boys easy for all us to sit back and disect every move you make under pressure I think you guys did a awsome job
nice shot , room temperature challenge
What a terrible cop
Not justified
This never would have happened if that parking lot wasn't a "rock free zone." Criminals know that you can do whatever they want when rocks are banned. If only there was a "good guy with a rock" to stop the bad guy with a rock.
Damn, that sounds stupid when you replace "gun" with "rock"…..
Why shoot him plus entering a store someone maybe kids would be running outside into gun fire
Michael Scott would be proud.
If these officers were at the recent Texas school shooting the result would have been much different
River rock?
Looks like a ripe Avocado.
No mental health professionals available? If preventing the guy from entering the shop was important enough to shoot him, why didn't the cop get between the guy and the door?
Great job Officer you saved life's !!!
If that blk would have entered in the restaurant with a straw in his hand that cops would have shot him.
The cop shoots him and than say I'm trying to help you. Wtf
I am a 20+ year police officer, Sergeant and field training officer. I am surprised to see in the comments so many people agreeing with this shooting. This will probably be found to be justified (or not, who knows) but I don't think I would have fired at a guy holding a rock. No, they cannot let him into the restaurant and potentially harm someone with the rock but other means to stop him from causing harm inside the restaurant could have been employed I can't say what would have happened if this type of thing took place in the jurisdiction I work for but We likely would have gotten close enough to him to deploy a taser, or the bean bag shot gun before he got close to this establishment. If those failed, our next choice would have been to go hands on. Yeah, he has a rock but the chances of him causing serious bodily injury or death is low. I hate playing armchair quarterback but this shooting could have, and should have been avoided.
That cop is trigger happy. You can’t just shoot people for not listening. The world doesn’t work like that. There has to be better reasons to shoot.
A frkn rock bro. Chase him down and tackle him. My god disarm the rock. Smh it was a rock. Don't we get hand combat training? I'm sorry but some procedure needs to be overruled with common sense.
Props to the third (caller) female for knowing her directions!
This is Joe Bidens America. Come to America, we'll give you free education, free medical, free cell phone…. All lies. These people are now living in the shadows while Americans are suffering.
Oh I guess black peoples aren’t the only ones cops shoot.
Who would these people call if the police got canceled? I’m all for police being held accountable, but canceled? No. You’re seriously mentally ill if you want to cancel them, because I promise you when you need the cops, you’re gonna wish you had them, they’re the only group of people who will get into a gun fight for your safety, besides the military, but the military isn’t going to come to your beck and call when you need them.
He did right
Where was this police energy when Uvadle elementary shooting happened?
I just don't agree with shooting the suspect while he's entering a restaurant. There could've been people….not involved….standing at the door. Not to mention….the suspect had a rock…..so before anyone comments' to me that he could've grabbed someone and held them as a hostage…..I'll say it again….he had a rock..
Good job Phoenix PD. Thank you for all the people you save from people like this!
His friends and relatives will say he was a kind hearted man with a big future.
why didn't something happen like this in the Texas tragedy this week. guy entered the school and cops let him.
Really good Officer guys my favourite person
That is bullshit to make officers run in AZ. It's 600 damn degrees now.
Great job officers!!
Fuck this guy. Act right or get shot. We the people are sick of everyone's crazy criminal shit.
A river rock is not worth the shots fired.
Every police vehicle should have a fully automatic pepper-ball gun in the trunk ready to go.
It fails to obey
I DEAMND IT BE DESTROYED thank you for your service officers
any who fail to obey,. must be destroyed, we do not need them, you work for me, kill it…
Why investigate the police officer of 15 years!?! any logical person can tell this was justifyed.
An illegal citizen. Has been arrested for illegal entry/ re entry five times. He has a rap sheet besides this. Druggy who just broke into an apartment trashed it, broke out as many windows as he could then went to this parking lot and continued. He threw bottles and rocks at moving cars on the street as well. He was only wounded in leg from what the article said. In this new US he is probably going to be released after his info is taken. I guess he needs to kill someone before he gets prison time.
Good job nobody in the restaurant was hurt or the officers 🙏🏽
this is disgusting. no lives were in danger you cannot say "dont go in there"! and then try to kill him for ignoring your command.. you CANNOT TAKE LIFE UNLESS LIFE IS ABOUT TO BE TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DUDE HAD A ROCK EVERYONE IN THE RESTRAUNT HAD KNIVES AND FORKS AND SOME CARRIED GUNS..THIS SHOOTING PROVES COPS ARE PIECES OF CRAP AND THEY DONT DESERVE A GUN
It was unnecessary to shoot the suspect. He had a rock. I would of just went up to the suspect and tackle him down so I can handcuff him. That's the proper way to do it. As a law enforcement police officer, it is important to display bravery in the right circumstance. It's a rock guys… come on… lol 😆 🤣 😂