Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

Spread The Viralist

In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death, and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let’s keep the commentary civil.

Introduction: The Son of God 00:00
Understanding the Jewish Tradition 0:33
Herod and Herod – Roman Rulers 3:32
Jesus of Nazareth 4:27
Why did people believe Jesus was the Messiah? 5:56
Why was Jesus so influential? 7:39
Saul / Paul of Tarsus 8:38
An Open Letter to The Fish (Ichthys) 9:16
How Christianity Survived 10:13
Credits 11:06

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  1. Seconds ago, only God knew that I was watching this while taking a dump. 😏 Now, you all do, too!

    (That's right… I AM God)! 😆

  2. Hebrews…did not worship any other God before jehovah,Hebrews where the chosen people of God which meant they would never create a “belief based on one God”,they did however praise other gods as idolatry

  3. I've never listened to any other stuff from this site, but seeing how cavalier their description of Jesus, the first century and the history that followed is, I realize that I can't believe a word that they say about anything, using this as an indicator.

  4. I would question the notion that the Hebrews were ever polytheistic, unless you're refering to the protosemitic forerunners of the Jewish race. Technically speaking, the first Hebrew was Jacob (later renamed Israel) whose 12 sons would later become the 12 tribes of Israel.

  5. Jesus’ message wasn’t peace, love, and social justice. Jesus said, I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. Meaning that we would be divided from one another for our devotion to Him. When it comes to love, Jesus’ demand for love was perfect love; involving perfect love for God and perfect love for others. Something that no one reading this is able to do. And Jesus didn’t talk about the worldly social justice spoken of today. Instead He spoke of the Gospel. The fact that we have sinned before an almighty, holy, righteous God, and that we deserve an eternal punishment (Hell) for our rebellion. But God, in His mercy sent His Son to die in our place and take the wrath of God upon Himself as a perfect sacrifice. He died on the cross and rose from the grave according to the scriptures. And now, if you repent of your sin and trust in Christ He changes your heart. You will now be the meek and poor in spirit trusting in Christ alone for your salvation and no work in and of yourself. That is the Gospel; Jesus’ message.

  6. We going to seance him up tomorrow. If your keen. Then we are going to sacrifice him again and eat him and drink his blood. 7:00 am every Sunday. Lol. Sure he seen that happening.

  7. It is well known that Christ, the son of Mary, is only a rasul. Many rasuls came and went before him. His mother is very honest. They both ate and drink like other people. Look at how we explain the verses for them and then see how they are rotated.

    Maide sura / 75. verse


  8. John: "Attracted a small but incredibly loyal group of followers"
    Apostles: one of them betrays Jesus, another denies him and the rest go into hiding for a time after He died.
    Yep. Loyal.

  9. i'm just here to see some arab or afgan or muslim tell others that their god is wrong and that theirs is right even though people have the right to believe what they want lololololololol

  10. Christianity has so much to offer if it was practiced correctly. Unfortunately there are too many Christians who don’t even act like Christians, and this gives people bait to target Christianity with contempt even more. Put aside the idea of a “mythical storybook” for a second and just remember the themes Jesus brought up. Always focus on the themes.
    We are called to share these themes with others, in a practical way, to share the humanity of Christ.
    I get it, some just won’t ever care anyway and some will think it’s stupid regardless – but if the Christians actually decided to practice what is taught, maybe the world can see something else other than hypocrites trying to teach others things they don’t do themselves. Christianity has a lot to offer if practiced correctly.

  11. I am very disappointed that he didn't even entertain the possibility that a man named Jesus might never have existed in the first place, which is probably the real reason there was no writing about him until decades later. Or that if a man named Jesus did exist, that he was just a charismatic good hearted preacher and not the son of god. Normally, he is more balanced.

  12. Gbu bro yes the Bible testifies about how to identify the devil and devil's teachings taught by the false prophets. We can identify through Sabbath the book of Ezekiel 22:23. And in the book of 1pet5:7_8. And also Ezekiel 22;25_26. And Mattew 15:7_9. Ezekiel 22:27. Mattew23;27_28 mattew23:13_15 and Ezekiel 22;30_31 these are biblical verses gives us s warning signs how to recognize devil by teaching. And also bible says John 5:39. John 5;46_47. John15;20_21. In the time of Jesus there were spiritual leaders and Pharisees they were waiting for the Messiah but when lord stood in front of them they could not identify him why the lack OF believe.

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