A high-speed pursuit ended in Echo Park Thursday after the vehicle slammed into a power pole and flipped onto its roof. Sky5 was overhead. Story: https://ktla.com/news/police-in-pursuit-of-vehicle-in-l-a-area/
A high-speed pursuit ended in Echo Park Thursday after the vehicle slammed into a power pole and flipped onto its roof. Sky5 was overhead. Story: https://ktla.com/news/police-in-pursuit-of-vehicle-in-l-a-area/
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Nothing happened to them because they were probably drunk or drugged!!! What waist of my hard earned tax dollars!!!
If you not good in committing a crime damn it don't do it.
What a terrible driver.
Shouldn’t all Americans be considered armed suspects?
Give all suspects 5 years in prison no early release
Cops go to easy on these dirt bags. What if they crashed on some kid or something.
Four scumbags get arrested and charged with petty crimes. Probably went home on house arrest the same week.
Why do you wish he is OK. Would you still wish they was OK if they kill someone. I'm gutted that they got away with no injury.
Five? Hahahaha, this is not a car but a italian restaurant 😝😂😂😂
Putting everyone in the car at risk over a traffic violation is pure stupidity. The driver deserves all the time in jail. Putting everyone on the road at risk as well…yep to jail you go!!
"We hope the suspect is okay"
esse cara não jogou gta? é só esconder no túnel.
Looks like driver may be DUI
As you can see, cops partially blocked his lane. So his only option was to crash into civilian filled cars, or decapitate the only pedestrian on the street. Good job "good guys". Id sue the fk out of you. Punk mfs
He was clearly walking backwards with hands behind head. Why the violent takedown?
Police should have punch him in the face and then arrest him
That crash was amazing
They've got the chopper on him. Where did he think he could go and hide at? Lol