We react to Omni-Man VS Homelander (Invincible VS The Boys) by DEATH BATTLE! and yall this is SICK!!!!
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Original Video Link: https://youtu.be/bMoL5VMN4-A
Art in thumbnail by u/Diego_Oliver on reddit!
Yabba- “I laugh at myself”
Omni-Man VS Homelander (Invincible VS The Boys) | DEATH BATTLE!
Omni-Man VS Homelander (Invincible VS The Boys) Reaction
Omni man
If Homelander had Batman's mentality, he would have used his sonic scream to his advantage pretty well.
Lets put this in perspective for you. Homelander is a human man baby on juice…Who MAYYYBBEE could punch a truck across America. No fighting experience, anger issues and an ego so big you would think a Whale stranded on a beach would be normal.
Omi man is a full on Viltrumite who has thousands of years of fighting experience, where he very often would fight people in his weight class, or above.
Oh also he could destroy a planet by flying through it if he wishes.
Omni man are victorious, the fingers in nose 💪💪💪😝
Wait isnt the thumbnail spoiling the ending
loved your reaction especially the reaction from the left one didnt once looked away and consumed perfectly everything 🔥🔥❤🔥❤🔥
I love how Omni man dose the Tobey Maguire what’s the matter are you gonna cry
Homelander does the reverse death by Snu Snu
I recently realized that Omni-man was very patient considering he saw Debbie dead as soon as he walked in.
Thax for watching the whole thing 😊
Great reaction! 🔥🔥
I could appreciate the time you took to shout out the mental health thing
Most wouldn't care enough but if even one person were to get help it would be worth it.
There's a great line from Godzilla:Final wars that applies here
"Rule with power alone and you will eventually find a greater power"
Homelander didn't know what he was getting himself into
The music and animation was so killer 🦖
React to Black Goku vs Reverse Flash Death Battle!
Очевидно, омни Мэн победит. Он дрался с равными, как и супс, а Хоум только с обезьянками типа людишек
We need death battle with Paul Rudd in it. Don’t ask why.
Homelander was lucky Omni man was in a good mood.
If there’s any homelander fans out there I’ll let you know that he could probably take on the guardians of the globe.
…now swallow
I like how he takes a depth breath, not going to let himself get trolled like that.
Please react to Peach vs Zelda death battle
(1) that skank stillwell didn’t say he couldn’t survive against weapons of mass destruction,
(2) 17:30 That freak’s fighting stance is unskilled, untrained, unworthy! And also not invincible!
Hey, Kari and Yabba! If you liked this then I highly recommend Doomsday Vs Hulk from Just Fight Studios. IMO, it's their best fight on the internet.
You misspelled "Superman". SUPERMAN is the one, the only "GOAT".
yall need to react to SML videos
You guys need to react to hulk vs broly its freakin awesome
Lol rip
You never go into another man's home, drink his cocoa and laser his wife.
The he said "now swallow" tho 😳
Y'all even tho that was Omni-Mans wife…
That's basically the equivalent to offing Lois Lane in front of Superman 💀💀
My God I fucking loved how homelander died. I just wish he suffered more tho lol.
Omni Man is way better than Homelander. Homelander cries everytime he gets hurt even in the comic.
I can’t find the video
Imagine showing this to your family on Christmas.
omni man and home lander are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay weaker than superman, like its not even funny how much weaker they are, Plus they just dont have the krytonian biology or organs to be nearly as godly as superman.
U know there is Hulk vs Broly. I recommend u react to it.
Watching these two go at it is almost like watching Peter vs the chicken no care for collateral damage and who or whatever is in their way. Just run and hide
I’ll laser every single one of you 🦸🏼♂️👀💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥☠️
Omni Man scares the hell out of me.
Just imagine a being stronger than Superman with the URGE to Kill.
Considering Omni Man had to kill a planet full of Homelanders, its No Contest.
Knowing Omni man this was him being reasonable
Omni man: You thought that you was going to Approach me but it was I KONO OMNI GOAT DA who going to rule the ZA WARUDO. Hey homelander you want a donut 🍩 that I make for you 😉😉😉😉