John Oliver discusses Kandiss Taylor, a prominent loser in the race for governor of Georgia, and fierce anti-rock activist.
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I love this show and for the most part agree with the point he’s getting at on most topics. But I’ve noticed a trend of using Republican as an ad hominem and that is definitely no way to win hearts and minds. Just a thought.
Is it odd that I was actually more interested in a show about plain rocks than about all this craziness?
Guess that's just the point we've reached in society. I'd love to hear about some igneous rock from a million years ago but no…. nazi's have to ruin everything.
Sometimes there just arent enough rocks.
I kind of want to spend a week losing my mind about things without even bothering to try to understand them first, see what it's like to be a republican.
Considering the size of the furry convention in Atlanta, being outright anti-furry is pretty stupid.
I fully intend to vote red down ballot come this November and likely the next 10 years worth of November's. I am a former independent who voted mostly democrat until 2014.
but that lady is off her rockers. glad she is in the minority of the republican party and lost.
Why did he have to be from Iowa? Face palm.
Eugenics are bad? Yao Ming is the product of a chinese eugenics program for height. I’d wager the Chinese have a program for intellect also…
this was one of my fav episodes I’ve seen in awhile. still some downer elements, but overall more whimsical and silly than usual, dial turned up a bit on it
Thanks John, even though I wish that the world didn't give you so much, ridiculous material no one makes me laugh like you do, maybe its catharsis or gallows humor but damn I feel fantastic after an episode when I should be feeling existential dread considering the shit you talk about is serious as cancer.
Never thought I'd hear Fort Dodge, Iowa brought up here. Then it was about a racist, so it made sense.
Kandiss Taylor is a real candidate and all Northerns want to know if we can just let the South secede this time.
It somehow got progressively weirder
I don't know about you guys, but other Joe and Alex dynamic is pure gold.
Reminder: In 2018 Cruz came within 2.6% (about 200k votes) of losing his seat to someone who was on the record about banning certain kinds of guns…He's not as safe as they'd like us to think.
"Jesus first" Liars go to HELL!
Crazy lady in red
Kandiss Taylor must pretend to workout often.
It's so weird how often Republicans want to do the right things for the absolutely wrong reasons. Remember that Trump wanted to bar federal elected officials from trading stock while in office, which is great. Unfortunately, the only reason he wanted to do this was because he hates Nancy Pelosi which, while understandable, is a dumb and petty reason for, again, a very good idea.
'My family went to an island I think, and I'm here"
Sometimes I wonder why I watch John's stuff when it often just makes me depressed.
Then he puts out videos like this and I suddenly remember why.
Were republicans ever anything but an embarrassment…? If Lincoln saw what had happened to his party….
Ahh, another republican bash video from Last Week Tonight with DNC.
Way to be racist about how people look
So I was just watching Tucker Carlson complaining about gun control and while I was up getting a drink youtube decided I needed to watch this. Come on youtube, if you are going to decide I need to see a John Oliver episode I have already seen, at least show me the 3 part series on the daily show where he went to Australia.
"If you don't know what furries are it's where kids…" Something tells me Bruce doesn't know what Google is…
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
John 3:16-21nkjv…
My reaction to most stuff in the south upon closer inspection: "Oh no, its racist…"
Hysterical 🤣
Lawyers, guns and money?
"Oh, the staff is…gone? They're on vacation? WELP-" Fursona commission
John, another Gunman kills 4 in hospital shooting
There are many left wing nutjob like right wing nuts. How about preparing commentary on them as well.