Do we really have free will? Today Hank explores possible answers to that question, explaining theories like libertarian free will and it’s counterpoint, hard determinism.
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Why do i laugh when realizing im tied to fate and everything i do doesn't have meaning except for the one i give it
one's decision to smoke their first cigarette is determined by what? need for nicotine? how society thinks its cool or frowns upon it? help me here pls …
We have free will to make choices, but each choice we make will lead to series of different choices (cause and effect) Black mirror Bandersnatch or Butterfly effect. So yeah, I believe we have free will to choose which determines the cuasation of our actions.
We have freewill.. freewill is choosing the decision that best suits my desires. Freedom comes from the removal of ignorance replaced with wisdom. Most just are not aware of this freewill, so they're governed by cause & effect. Their actions being the effect. Freewill is not falling into the temptation to drift. So Freedom is a choice, it's just impossible to acquire when leaning on outside influence. Once we are free, we become the cause of the effect, instead of the effect from the cause.
Life is pre-determined, therefore there are prophecies that cant be changed, however, we can change our daily actions or any choices we make to have a different end. All is true. There are just multiple time lines that overlap, and once you made a choice, you life is changed into a different time line.
And WHY, we said that the physical world is deterministic? When everyone can google "quantum mechanics"!
Philosophy feels awfully empty without physics coming in the topic. This is something discussed by physicians all around the world constantly. Not using their researches to prove either of these points is like discussing on how world wars happened because people were killing one another and then proceed to ignore all the important detail
Determinism makes a lot of sense, but the illusion of free will is what keeps determinism alive. If everyone realizes that they have no real choice and all event are predetermined, why do anything at all, since actions don’t change anything and you’re still gonna go down the same path? There would be no point in life anymore if determinism was true.
Can you give a definition of what is free will, and how would I recognize it if I saw it?
Head hurts I had no choice
Your all lunatics, temporarily insane because God wants you to be (and I'm not joking)
But in his providential mercy he has sent me to straighten some of you out (the one's He let's believe me), give you the straight drum, a fool God made wise to make all you wise guy's fools.
God is the only One who has free will He can do anything he wants to anything he wants and no one or no thing can influence Him in any way
Now mankind can't do anything he wants , and lots of things influence him, for example can you fly, create a tree, avoid death, stop your toe nails growing, or make your 5 inch a ten inch penis, or make wrinkle cream work, or create a money tree
God is RIGHT(eous) and sin defined as UNRIGHTeousness "missing the mark" making a mistake, being WRONG (see how that eousness stuff confuses the brainy guys)
God made Adam capable of being wrong, which God always being right did on purpose otherwise God would have made a mistake and be a sinner and wrong which God is not capable of, it's impossible (brainy guys are scratching their heads now) Let me have a bit more fun; God is going to use sin to demonstrate how righteous he is by righteously using evil and suffering for people to learn to obey Him to bring about ultimate good and make everyone righteous and incapable of ever being wrong just like Him subjects everything and becomes all in all 1Corinthians 15:28
Ok i'll dumb it down ( although only God can decide who at this point in time will have faith or believe it because "a man can NOT receive anything unless it is given him from heaven" John 3:27) God knows all good and all evil = God is all knowing that's why God can figure everything out and never be wrong (sin) God who can freely choose to do anything he wants freely chooses to always do what is right He puts in the bible that he can't change but He is Almighty (if he didn't know what is was like to have all power he wouldn't be all knowing would he ) so he could change if he wanted to but he doesn't want to , he freely chooses to always do right , declares he has never ever ever ever done wrong or ever will.
God made man incapable of True free will by limiting mans knowledge making it impossible for man to only do right and inevitable man would do wrong by giving Adam the ability to disobey God (right) he denied Adam the possibility of always choosing right " God jailed all creation in disobedience so that He could have mercy on everyone" Romans 11:32
God is the only One who has free will and he freely chooses to never reject Himself and freely chooses to always do His will and be RIGHTeous He is irresistible Love 1John 4:8 and Love never fails 1Corinthians 13:8
God works everything according to the counsel of his will Ephesians 1:11
He wills to save all men 1Timothy 2:4
He wants to save sinners, people who make mistakes by being wrong and make them like Him having free will which at the moment only He does
Don't be silly and keep being wrong because God will be applying corrective measures to teach people it's is best to obey throughout the ages to come until He has subjected all things to Himself and is all in all 1Corinthians 15:28
God works all things according to the counsel of His will Ephesians 1:11
God regards man as nothing and does whatever He wants in heaven and Earth Daniel 4:35
Man's free will hahaha SUBJECTED means cause or Force something to undergo (a particular form of treatment typically an unwelcome or unpleasant one) " God subjected all creation to futility, against its will, by His will who subjected it in hope" Romans 8:20 mans free will hahaha ; how can man be free who has to obey God's commands until man freely obeys them as God does
If you are capable of discussing objectively whether free will exists, then obviously you have free will.
IT's funny….i had no choice in this matter…the matter being….watching this video. Thank you.
Didn't the Apostle Paul address this?
Inspired by God via the Holly Spirit, he addressed this in Romans chapter 8, with one word:
"Predestination". i.e. -"Fate".
hiesenberg uncertainity principle – fundamental law of free will
I had oatmeal this morning bEcAuSe I FeLt LiKe It!
Creator and creatures are different things, the universe is a creature, space and time is also a creature, so Creator exist beyond time, That's why Creator Know the future of his creation, That's was a fate is. The future that known and determined is a different things. So i think human has a free will because we literally don't know our future.
Ok I'll be quick….if the universe itself is STILL expanding due to the FACT that it is STILL reacting to ANOTHER predetermined "action" ( big bang) which would in FACT prove that it is STILL BOUND by certain law's and principles that it MUST ALWAYS adhere to and maintain in order to exist within THIS reality….then HOW can anything that exists within it claim to be FREE of or from it?….exactly….we are ALL bound by "fate" ( our predetermined outcomes) and NOTHING happens by "chance" …..for everything is STILL reacting to ANOTHER predetermined "action" and WILL be until the next "big bang" which itself WILL be ANOTHER reaction to ANOTHER predetermined event…….TRUTH
Hold on, what do you mean the physical world is deterministic? I thought jury is still out on that, vis-a-vis quantum mechanics? That's not settled yet.
Well thanks for that panic attack
If you're ejaculating right now by looking at yourself naked in a mirror- that is predetermined.
I just want to prove you wrong so I struck the ball.💪👊
Welcome free well teaches us that we’re not responsible for our actions imagine if a criminal use that argument to defend himself Or herself
shouldn't a outcome of a random event start its causation chain
Never watched or studied about Free will in this cool way. Loved it!
This topic is making me dissociate ….
You don't love me now (you don't love me now)
And you'll never love me again
Speak slow for the sake of non native English speakers. ;__;
Rather than favoring hard determinism this video could have said a thing or two about compatibilism instead.
Also, many physicists now believe that we might have some causal power after all.
We can all make the theories we want but none of us will really knows whats happening,everything is possible
I completely agree! So when using reductionism we can also conclude responsibility does not exist. So the notion of punishment is redundant. Therefore the idea of ethics in general is worthless, as ethics does not really exist either.
Determinism frees people from responsibility and accountability. So then, why is there a justice system? Besides, aren't we denying determinism by making a truth claim that our actions are determined? Determined beings can't be self-aware, that's silly
I do believe in reductionist dualism, everything can be explained in terms of the interactions of the constituent particles of a system. So, according to that, determinism seems more correct. But as one goes deeper into more fundamental levels, we can't ignore Heisenberg's uncertainty principle from Quantum Mechanics. So, everything, including the physical universe is not really "deterministic". Probability lies beneath it all. So, even though we reject the possibility of a separate entity called mind that can make free decisions, we are still left with a indeterminate, and possibly random world.
(This is just what I think, and I may as well be wrong. I would very much like to be corrected by others in the comments.)
TLDR: We don't have free will, but we act as if we do so it doesn't matter.
Free will is a myth.
Religion is a joke.
We are all pawns, controlled by something greater.
Everything we do is at the root motivated by biology (need to survive and reproduce) and your environment (upbringing and current). So if you wear a cool hat do you buy it because you like the way it looks or are you really buying it because you know if you look good in it you will attract mates?
Just because there is always a reason we can point to in relation to some event, thought or action of a person doesn’t mean free will want involved. It simply means a decision was made by a free agent who chose from a myriad of possible options. Often this choice is based on a desire to please ourself, please others or please God. We exercise our free will when we choose who we will please. This is how love is expressed and why love is real. Philosophy is a mental disease which seeks to erode the expression of love through deception.
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
I've always thought (throughout my adult life anyway) that free will and determinism are not mutually exclusive or contradictory. To prove my free will, I make a decision. I observe that I made that decision. Done, I proved free will. Simultaneously, I understand that I am an object made of countless particles whose paths are (mostly) deterministic. The dilemma dissolves when I reiterate that I AM those particles, so the decision was still made by me. The problem only arises when you refuse to think of yourself as a purely physical being.
Free will dose not exist. Think of something you want now try not to want it. Think of something you don't want and try to want it. It not possible.
This episode reminds me of the multidimensional theory. In short , if physical space does really have 10 dimensions, thus 6 dimensional space is real, thus everything has already happened to an observer in the higher dimension.
This is where I disemboque after a couple of hits from my joint.
My philosophical argument:
1) Everything in the universe is governed by physical laws
2) Physical laws can be expressed as a mathematical formula.
3) We – our brains, our bodies, everything – are part of the universe.
Conclusion: There is a mathematical formula that can express everything in the universe.
So, there is a formula that can describe how every neuron in every person's brain will fire and how everything around them in the physical world will move and create input, etc. This formula is far too complicated to ever calculate, but it exists. Ergo, there is a formula that describes the future, and therefore the future is predetermined, and therefore we don't have free will.
It's a very uncomfortable conclusion, but I see no way out of it – we don't have free will.
DNA studies kinda support determinism in my opinion
No matter if we have free will or not, we shouldn't worry about it. We humans don't know the answers to everything, intelligence is a part of us, it wants to know more and more, but we'll never reach that deep truth that has always been right in front of us. If we don't have free will, it shouldn't matter, cause we always been us and will always be the same. A lot of us worry about death, it's okay to be afraid, cause we don't know if we're going somewhere or not, but in the end it shouldn't matter, cause we just gotta figure it out ourselves and wait for the moment to happen. Just live life to the fullest and stay curious.
Peace and love!
squarespace is property of joseju and who says that no im going to your house
Doesn't the probabilistic nature of quantum physics open the debate for free will?
Like in theories like Orchestrated objective reduction
I highly recommed the series "Devs". Is about this topic but with technology involved, kinda like Black Mirror