How A Piece Of Tape Caused Aeroperú Flight 603 To Crash | Mayday S1 EP4 | Wonder

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Aeroperú Flight 603 was a scheduled flight from Miami International Airport in Miami, Florida, US (KMIA), to Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport in Santiago, Chile (SCEL), with stopovers in Quito, Ecuador and Lima, Peru. On 2 October 1996, the Boeing 757-23A aircraft flying the final leg of the flight crashed, killing all 70 people aboard.

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  1. There is one solution that would have worked, as the Retired Air Canada Pilot said. And which they did do but it was to late. They put at 737 in the air to guide the stricken airplane in.

  2. Back in university the only useful thing they managed to teach us was in the designing class. The professor said "when you design your product and especially if this product is concerning human lives, always design it with the thought, that the most stupid man or Earth or at least the most stupid you know, will maintain it. Don't leave nothing to logic, common sense and educated thinking.".

  3. This has to be one of the most bizzare situations in aviation history where the pilots were literally helpless to do anything about recovering the plane. There is no instruction manual that tells the pilots how to deal with a situation such as this one. Most likely someone has tampered with the cockpit controls while on the ground. I feel for thise pilots and the pax God rest their souls.

  4. As usual, a bloodsucking shyster lawyer goes after the deep pockets (Boeing) when clearly a criminally negligent maintenance worker who covered up the static ports with tape was to blame

  5. I watched this at night and the following morning, while driving to work, I kept hearing the chillingly calm, robotic voice in my mind: "Too low. Terrain. Too low. Terrain." What a haunting episode.

  6. This hits close to home. I’m a ramp agent and we wash planes every Monday, I see the static ports covered with tape all the time. I’m gonna be thinking about this tomorrow (it’s Sunday atm).

  7. I dont get it, they can not trust their instuments but the control tower can? Arent radars made to detect without plane cooperation?

  8. I don’t understand this sensor can’t get wet but what happens when plane is flying through a storm is not gonna get wet

  9. In my opinion the best way to solve this issue and prevent it from ever happening again is to separate the 2 static ports and to require the person who cleans them to cover 1 at a time then to not cover the second one unless he is totally sure he removed the cover from the first one that way even if he forgets one of them covered the pilot can still fly the plane using the uncovered one, or to just install a warning system that alert the pilots if their static port is blocked before the take off otherwise we will be seeing more of these unfortunate tragedies in the future .

  10. That’s a horrible situation the pilots found themselves on ,so sad to know that people have died because of some other selfish people that they didn’t do their job as they were supposed to ,also passengers not knowing anything and suddenly die is a blessing and a curse as they at least didn’t suffer emotionally but at the same time they didn’t even get a chance to say a prayer or think about their loved ones or write them something in their last moments..I don’t blame the pilots for anything as the guy in this video said they were under extreme stress in the darkness of the night and with a situation that they never experienced but it would have been much better if they went up when the warning about close terrain started ,you wouldn’t lose anything if you ascend to the sky even if you don’t trust the computer anymore as there won’t be danger up in the sky over the sea but if the warning is right and you are low close to water would be so risky not only to crash like what happened but also since you don’t know your speed if a stall happens there won’t be enough altitude to recover from it so always higher is better on this situation even if the computer warning was false 2 or 3000 feet higher would give you more assurance and would cause no harm,but I know how bad their situation was to think clearly and shouldn’t judge until you be in their shoes and experience similar extremities..considering all that they were heroes and died fighting to save peoples lives until the last seconds of their lives,may they rest in peace them and every soul that was in that plane..💐💐💐

  11. So in an attempt to replace pilot error, intuition, and control the airline industry created auto controls that limited what a pilot could do to fly the plane he was captain of! The industry decided to replace the pilot on almost all routine flights! So after this was adopted, most or all pilots flying a jetliner passenger plane became nothing more than a passenger! Hence this accident! And due to malfunctioning computers, more lives have been lost before the computer age took over the duties of the pilot! One of the main reasons today's airline crashes happen is because there are way too many alarms going off and the regular pilot is inundated with too many flashing lights and warnings that confuse the pilot!

  12. Shouldn't the tower have independent radar readings indicating altitude of the aircraft in their airspace? I feel like redundancy in that kind of area would be rather important for exactly this kind of situation.

  13. why didnt these experienced pilots turn off the stupid computer and fly the old fashioned way?? there shud always be that option for pilots no matter how advanced the aircraft computers are!!

  14. Boeing is right this idiot plugged it to do a job he didnt unplug it, The captain missed it It’s on the worker and the airline not the airplane maker

  15. This crash combines 2 of the most terrifying ways to die: a plane crash and drowning. I cannot imagine how horrifying this must have. Even for everyone involved

  16. I have absolutely no training whatsoever in aviation, and yet I began wondering about possible involvement of the pitot tubes early in the production. I had long ago been made aware of possible instrument malfunction due to blockage or other problem with pitot tubes ! How can a professional pair of pilots not wonder about a possible pitot tube involvement? And then evaluate further the possible involvement.

  17. That lawyer's reasoning was wrong and he is a sleezebag. ALL aircraft have those ports and tubes so blaming Boeing was not right. By his reasoning no aircraft ever built with those systems have been safe enough for him. I bet the shithead took at least half the money each client was given in settlement.

  18. OK, here is a really easy solution for tape on pito tubes and static probes: The tape should be attached to a LONG red ribbon or rope that reaches to the ground, to make it obvious that it needs to be removed before flight.

  19. To be fair, it was slightly the pilots fault. The moment they noticed both altimeter, and flight speed, they should of declared a pan, and requested an orbit over the city to try to fix the problem. This would allow them to gauge the speed, and altitude of the plane against the city lights, and safely given them enough time, and space to diagnose the problem. They waited far far too long. Altimeter, AND speed going out at the same time, during the night is a catastrophic combination, and fully deserves an immediate emergency.

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