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Disclaimer: _____ (fake product that he promotes in the first part of the video) is a parody, and not a real product available for purchase.
From a possible paranormal sighting captured in a hospital to a scary video that might show a ghost in an old cemetery, we take a look at paranormal sightings that will freak you out! #Paramormal #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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7. I just took this slow motion video of the rain and noticed something Fly across in the distance https://www.facebook.com/groups/slappedhamofficial/permalink/257266649923640/
6. CLOCKTOWER GHOST https://youtu.be/-4Ps0Q63R7Y
5. Valentown Ghost Footage https://youtu.be/ajqCa2BIXjs
4. Ghost in next room https://scienceofghosts.wordpress.com/page/3/
3. UFO / UAP towing something underneath 🤷🏽♂️ Maybe some type of scouting drone… https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cdlvr9Ml7oB/
2. 57 varieties of aliens Sgt. Clifford Stone https://youtu.be/TqahF0nb7rM
1. Cemetery Creeper https://youtu.be/0q47HDQyBPY
Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: https://clik.cc/TcGdh and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days 💥
So does that mean I can’t purchase those sheets?🤔😁
13:15 Sgt. Stone
My my now of days a whistleblower is branded a hero for not giving the truth. This guy is just another controlled opposition agent that's helping to push the non sense alien lie. If he was really telling the truth he'd be six feet under get real. They need to push this alien hoax agenda to make the upcoming bluebeam light show believable to the masses. To bad that they won't get everyone on that. They can distort the truth about demons all day long and brand them "aliens" all they want. Because not everyone on this earth is brainwashed by a criminal element that wants to hurt and kill you. The new world order will fail just like it's founders and supervisor the devil.
The sphere is acting as a magnet transporting the object below it. Probably an alien craft that broke down and the sphere is the aliens triple A for vehicle assistance 🤣🤣
I cant hear any of the things apparently being said by ghosts in the graveyard at the end
Lol uap did look like a drugged up squatch! Maybe a sea creature also like shark or dolphin or something?
On the first one if you watch closely you can see the object slightly darker than the trees passes in front of the trees. So it is between the trees and camera. This rules out any type of aircraft. So it's small, fast due to the slow mow, and low. Based on the trees (since it passes behind the closer trees it's not extremely close to the camera) it's about the size of what, a medium dog or person. Very interesting to see and have no idea what caused it. But the behind trees / in front does not seem to make it a glitch.
I saw a UFO reducing green ray from the 7th floor roof of my building in 2020,at a night!
But I was not filming that time,I have no proof now,
But I saw it flying above my head which lasted 10 to 12 seconds before vanishing in upper atmosphere!It was damn fascinating moment to me! ❤️😀
I wish you didn't play the video 13 times over and over.
The one at 13:00 is just a weather balloon :/
Sgt. Stone… drugs are bad, mmmkay!?!
I'm sorry to be such a killjoy, but the one taken from the plane is obviously a weather apparatus of some type. You can even see, if you look carefully, there is a cord attaching the two pieces together.
The one with the grandchildren is so obviously just someone standing on the other side of the opening or glass. I don't even understand how they are trying to convince people there was nobody there.
The MYDELIANA code doesn't work for RAID:(
That creepy little dude creeping by her is soooo weird it just waddles by her making no sound it’s so legit it’s creepy I understand the people who questioned it but it’s real has to be
Callen you’re a fraud
Looks like the same robed person who was peering from behind the tree at first! Maybe it wasn't her but think it was someone trying to make them scared or confused later on when looking back! Don't think it was real
Did they not end up killing Sgt Stone because he was leaking to much? Sure he was assassinated
Looks like a penguin below the balloon 🎈 lol
Think it's a back draft we have them door in the hospital I work in the small door bolt's in the top of the door frame and same at the bottom but if you only lock the top bolt if someone opens the loading bay door it will bounce these 2 sets open if the bottom not flicked down into the floor! See it happening loads but thought the same when first time ever seen it lol especially cause the mourge is right next door!
Unless she cought that new missile that reached Mach 5 about 2 weeks ago when getting tested on slow mo!? Some speed that is for slow motion faster than a blink of an eye! Great catch!
9:05 Gotta love that swastika curtain 🙂
9:28 15 year old video…..surely theymust have more recent and better footage in 2022.
If I could Love this compilation, I would.
The one in valentine hall is abit funny🤣🤣🤣 the ghost seem so shy😁
LOL I don’t know how well u check these people out,,but NO Stacy n the last clip is NOT genuine!! She told one of MY friends,,straight from HER mouth that sometimes she has her husband to dress up n a robe to fake her videos!! If that WASN’T her husband,,it was probably her Son N Law!! She was also wanting to do what Omar does…which I think we know wat that is!!! Sorry but there’s nothing worse than a faker & I’ll call them out everytime if I know for sure that’s what they’re doing!!
Click for Paranormal get something that isn't just about paranormal -_-
Video "4. Old Family Photo" – Just because the grandfather doesn't know how to use Photoshop doesn't mean no one else does, but the "cut out" in the wall obviously has at the very least glass in it since you can nee the reflections of the other objects sitting on the ledge.
Video "5. UAP Spotted From Plane" – It looks like a large balloon with something like a stuffed animal attached to it caught in a wind current or something.
The most convincing to me was the valentine ghost you could see the cross thru the body and I absolutely believe Clifford stone in reference to alien life and humanoid beings and especially govt coverup. No doubt about the latter. The rest to me were unremarkable. Just my opinion. Thanks for the post always watching 👀
Idc who u are if u looking down at anything and someone is walking up and in front of you your going to look up and see what or who it is the fact that lady never does says a lot!!!
❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
Well Sgt. Clifford must have gotten his way bc from what I heard, the CIA has begun releasing documents about Extraterrestrial life and sitings.
It is someone walking in a robe.
It's a weather balloon .
she is not transparent
Great stuff. Thanks!
If you look closely at the piece that shows doors opening and closing and need swipe cord to enter, you will see some kind of figure with two glowing eyes going back-and-forth outside the door. Maybe I’m seeing things. So let me know if anyone else saw the two eyes outside the door.
Did you mean paraNormal in the hashtag
The chicken looks like it's saying "Whadafucisdat?" @1:15
Assuming Stone is telling the truth for a minute. Maybe the reason the all look humanoid is so that they can walk among us without us know, or we will be less afraid if we meet them.
I love Slapped Ham, more please!
Its an airplane u blow ig up on computer and the backyard ufo is debunked
Here's the thing about Sgt. STONE. He was not a particularly articulate gentleman, but after having reviewed so many hours of his testimony, I would say that any person with decent people skills would find him truthful and quite sincere. There is simply no way a world-class investigative journalist would give him the time of day if he were a fraud.
Further, there may be some amongst us who notice a subtle shift has begun regarding consciousness. Those who can think critically can adjust their personal belief construct as their own consciousness deepens. For others, making such a change is very, very difficult. These people, a few, become what many call "trolls."
Trolls post very hurtful things. Often, it's not because they are bad people. They are just having a very hard time accepting some set of facts that challenge their perspective on things. Some find their way…. they also feel very badly for posting as they have. Others simple need more time, more information. Give it to them…..in the name of tolerance.
If they can't get there, they can't get there. Don't embarrass yourself shaming them. Each is on his own path.
That's just a military jet far off into the background moving really fast.
I have worked in many nursing homes and hospitals over the past 20yrs. During this time I have seen and heard things unexplained. Some of the things filmed and shown on Slaped Ham are just like what I have seen.
In San Francisco their is a group of people. I counted over 50 in 2016. Anyway they wear all black they look as though they are cloaked in black. And they own nothing. But what they wear. Nothing at all. They don’t acknowledge you but you notice their presence. Fisherman Warf the area surrounding it. All the boat docks all the surrounding streets they are everywhere. Wanna know why they live this way? Some say we live in a mirrored world of the afterlife. Who knows those who have it all in this life might have nothing afterwards. No we can’t take anything with us when it’s over but that don’t mean we can’t have anything.
Gee wizz I really said out loud "those sheets are not going to let you get any sleep at all" 😆