In which John Green teaches you about the Cold War, the decades-long conflict between the USA and the USSR. The Cold War was called cold because of the lack of actual fighting, but this is inaccurate. There was plenty of fighting, from Korea to Viet Nam to Afghanistan, but we’ll get into that stuff next week. This week we’ll talk about how the Cold War started. In short, it grew out of World War II. Basically, the Soviets occupied Eastern Europe and the US-supported western Europe. This setup would spill across the world, with client states on both sides. It’s all in the video. You should just watch it.
Hey teachers and students – Check out CommonLit’s free collection of reading passages and curriculum resources to learn more about the events of this episode. The Cold War spanned over four decades of American history, beginning with the paranoia of McCarthyism, a political witch hunt for communists: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/mccarthyism
President Kennedy delivered an Inaugural Address during the height of the Cold War, initiating a space race: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/president-kennedy-s-inaugural-address
President Kennedy also oversaw Cuba’s emergence as a Cold War rival of the United States:
Want to learn more about the Cold War? Check out these other videos from Crash Course:
USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War: Crash Course World History #39:
The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38:
George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War: Crash Course US History #44:
The Cold War and Consumerism: Crash Course Computer Science #24:
Post-War Rebuilding and the Cold War: Crash Course European History #41:
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Is it just me or does John Green look like a demustached Stalin?!
Uh oh, bet Truman is looking at the US in 2020 and going oops
senator McCarthy had earn a bad name for the purges during the 60's but here the guy when through it smoothly saying nothing had happened at all?
Who else has watched all Mr.Green's Cold War videos for World History during 2020 for an online class because COVID.
I don't know why but I could watch this yesterday on my school restricted Chromebook and now I can't so I'm using my phone to re-watch this. Thank you John green
my teacher linked three of these w questions from all of them but U know at least this guys entertaining
This is a horrible video.
hi green john
Free market? Now the US is doing the opposite! Imposed high tariffs on sectors the US is not competitive. Even resorted to the arrest of the daughter of Huawei just bcos she was caught in the cross fire to put China down economically. So much for free market.
if you want to understand anything he says put playback speed on 0.75
btw I have watched this 5 times and still don't understand
anyone here from stevens highschool? SA,TX?
lol i love how you put Freddy Mercury when you said Under Pressure during the mystery document! Thats truly a good song by queen
5:48 theres this dude draining a bottle of wine
he looks kinda like tom brady
I like the video !!
why you talking so damn fast I gotta put you in slow motion in order to half way understand u
Peoples is appropriate to use when you have multiple groups of people. So, if you were to talk about the inhabitants of Canada, US, and Mexico, you could use the phrase "the peoples of North America" to distinguish that they are different groups of people.
12:53 to the end
Does anyone else notice the thread hanging from his shirt?
8:17 why does his scream sound like the "ha, gottem" dude
anybody got answers for the worksheet tho?
Encourage? More like a slight (but not really), gentle (but not really), tender (but not really) nudge
so here is a question about freedom, what dose it mean to be free because technically our planet is a prison, our solar system is a prison, our star system is a prison, our galaxy is a prison. everything that we know has walls that surround us where ever we go.
3:22 I like the dragon ball reference. And 1:14 fallout games series, nice.
Please go experience yourself on this planet. For the media you hear and the thing you learn are all for the sake of a democratic capitalistic society.
I mean who is trying to took over the world Huh? People of democracy cannot let undemocratic thing to happen. The system itself is a bad joke without much morals in society.
I just found Crash Course is biased. This is Trash Course. America still rule the world. Thats why history
Can anyone of you guys give me the answer for the this plz
It’s a true or false question
At the beginning he said that we shouldnt wage war on nouns. Whenever we fight other countries, we are fighting a proper noun. Also their government and people, also nouns.
History 104 🙁 ….. Final
why am I doing my homework at 2am when my adhd meds wore off and I cannot regain information. why.
I dont understand 🙁 ima go cry now?
I think this Cold War video is much better made than the world history one.
9:15 India-Pakistan?
Was that a turd burger for desperation.
I have an essay due in 3 hours pray for me
I am little confused on one part. Why was Stalin in blockading roads to West Germany? Had communism spread there? If so, why had we been sending supplies to a communist area?
But who will protect us against "peoples", the pluralization of an already plural noun? XDXDXD
0:12 I mean, technically a "hot" war involves shooting–but a "cold" war would infer that no one died by being shot, everyone died by bayonet
I am here for school but dang this vid can make memes
"That problem goes away" IM CRAfting