We rescued a sick street bull who had been living off of garbage his entire life. We knew his stomach was full of plastic and he …
We rescued a sick street bull who had been living off of garbage his entire life. We knew his stomach was full of plastic and he …
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OMG IM CRYING 😭😭 SO BAD 😔 IM 9 WOW I meant to see this didn't
We r not humans we r real animals shame on us
Shame on us 🥺🥺🥺🥺 we all are responsible for all this things happens … WE HUMANS
If no one threw plastic bags on road…it would have never gone through this pain…
Poor sweet darling 😢 💔
Hay que cuidarse de tirar bolsas de nylon o plástico que dañan a los animales y arruinamos el medio ambiente .
I’m glad that this beautiful zebu cow is okay.
Excelente trabajo ! ❤️
Dònde os habrán dado el título. Pobres animales.
Thanks so much for people who help poor animals like this . He would have died . Seems like His guts would have exploded from all that built up plastic .
it reflected how India maintain their garbage
Как это попадает внутрь,что это?
Ese bahat sare animals he jo ye plastic cheeze khate he😔😔Or unko bachane wala koi nhi hota😔😔
Cow: Thanks Doc
Doc: Don't eat that shit again.
Cow: Tell this to People doc.
Tysm ☺️
Tremenda lipo
Hurt touching
Jai Kalabhairav
I Feel so touched
Thank you for saving him🙏🙏
Aww hey Mr bull hope u live a great healthy happy life eating heyy instead of plastic now buddy 😊 you deserve a good life my friend thank you doctors for helpin him 😊 🔮🖖💯☮🙂
Muy noble su labor. Dios los bendiga
This can’t be real
I like how the bull got a horse friend
Oui fin quand tu comprend que c’est en Inde faut pas s’étonner certains endroits sont à gerber
Coitado desi boi o faz a cirujia pra salvar o boi mas deixa Eli comer estis mato seco q orror
Well done doctor👍👍👍👍👍 i am a animal lover……..& Diploma in animal resources development….
Hogyan kerülhetett ennyi veszélyes anyag egy tehén gyomrába!!!??Ez minden emberi felelőtlenség,,mert igen, láttam több videón hogy mennek az gazdag turisták és szanaszét hagyják el hullajtott szemetet,,, Nem törődnek a természettel,,, Az nem az övék,, óvni és vigyázni kell, hogy megmaradjon az egész világon az utodjainknak,,,, Remélem mindenki megértette hogy ez a mi felelősségünk,, Remélem hogy meggyógyult az a szegény tehén,,, Köszönöm szépen hogy láthattam ezt a videót Üdvözletemet küldöm Magyarországról Rózsika néni 👍👍👏😥😢🇭🇺👵
These guys are so amazing 😍😍
Thank you Doctor ,😭😭😔😔🙏
I thought these animals are sacred? Poor thing. I’m embarrassed to be a human.
No hay nada de comer..y con el hambre.. los animales comen basura porque no hay comida
That is not good thing that we dust any where
This video reminded me about Hayao Miyazaki cartoon “Spirited Away “
Poor bull(((
One nerek matko muwoujeto elo
poor animal have to suffer because of human selfishness
I feel sorry for that bull🥹
Q lindo salvando os animais muito lindo
Oh thank you for rescuing him! You can see how happy he is getting attention and the proper food and fresh water he needs!!!
Holy shit, that poor creature. Thank God he’s getting proper care now.
That was incredible! Thank goodness you are there to help!