#3Mill6Months #HOUSTON
Broward County, Florida: https://youtu.be/nUNRUjlPMQM
Brooklyn, New York: https://youtu.be/FNw39xQHNXk
Jacksonville, Florida: https://youtu.be/1gn4D1FaqLs
Houston, Texas:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_kingcid/
CheckOut My Podcast Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQrr3axCciHF4_zL2SdVLw
P.O BOX 936188 Margate Fl 33093
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Y’all weird af to keep saying cid let dude sneak him 🤣🤣.. nigga protect yourself at all times!! Fuck is u focused on the crowd for?? Yo opponent in front you
Damn jeleel was on demon time
I.tought he was the 5th.island boy
Gmk clutching hard asf😂😂😂😂😂😂
@6:30 bro crossing his hands, he catching uppercuts.
The girls screaming “LET GO LET GO STOP HUGGING” when they only know how to pull hair and slap 😭
wtf i missed it when you coming back to houston ?
Big blac dude can’t fight he don’t know how to swing 🤦🏿
Square to small that's more of a cage fight. Regular boxing more room for movement
Why the crowd was so pressed over the big dude at 23:00? He anit even do shit.
None of them can fight
Mann come to grand rapids ,Michigan with this shit
it’s goofy boxing on concrete cuz all it take is one punch and boom Niggas done hit they head and died 😭🫡
That Mexican kid with the Edgar cut was lightning foos up 👀
I know this is fun and games…but I wish we could put the gun down and put the fist up…and afterwards, give respect. Make peace. Good vid
Man go to dallas. Thats where the boxers really at.!!!
Mike didn’t win😂😂😂
I swear if i was cid as soon as that dude push me it would been shake off rip on right hand was coming. Cid a good man fr 😅
This shit was weak
I only seen one person that knew how to fight 😭
King cid you a real one ! Them niggas was cappin for they friends ! Knowing damn well they lost
crowd bias ash lmao
I swear these Americans don't know how to fight
Fake ass cops😂
Dudes always want to be aggressive and charging until they get hit with that first counter lmao
Dallas next 😩
These nikkas Kant fight 💀💀💀
Ion know if anyone deserve tht💸😂😂
Y’all need to create a bigger square for these events it’s no room to move around too many people make a barrier
He goofy thinking pushing you wasn’t gone cause no static 😂
how you gone guarantee you not gonna disappoint and then disappoint
Keep making them racks Jason keep supporting Jason 24/7☝🏽💙💤
I'm not hating y'all do wat y'all do it should be fair weight matched by height and weight 🤣🤣😂
The weight not fair
folks be sleep on da body shots, easiest way to open the head
The fights are dirty because know one should be hitting before u say start thts bullsht
last to get knocked out DC? tryna get this bread lol
Yall mfs need to back tf up and give these dudes some space when they’re boxing. They aint just gonna be in one damn spot the whole time , they need to move around.
Ole skinny dude got those hands fr just need to get some weight up he a beast tho
BRO DO YOU NIGGAS KNOW HOW TO JUDGE A FIGHT. The first dude should've ran it back for a second round because a lot of his punches were being brushed off by Spanish homie arms… They didn't even connect.
What’s wrong with that cop at 20:18 pushing the man like that .. tell his ass to get in the ring with that attitude
You guys should have 3 refs instead of having their friend scream louder cause at that point it’s whoever brings more friends wins 😂
Gmk! Duval county!
Wassup with all the cheap shots? 👎🏾
All those under dodge but not one uppercut :/
Orange shorts hold to damn much jux sorry
Nahhh champion round should've had another 45