Spicy Methi Mutton Recipe || Kasuri Methi Gosh Gravy Curry || Nawabs Kitchen

Spicy Methi Mutton Recipe || Kasuri Methi Gosh Gravy Curry || Nawabs Kitchen
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#Methi Mutton
#kasuri Mutton


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  1. I love this old style intro and entry, inbetween somedays it was different, I didn't like it that much. But, this is the original and love it.♥️

  2. Wa alaikum Salam WRBTH . Ma sha ALLAH .
    Bismillah now there live discussion on YouTube about Muhammad Qasim true Dreams every Sunday 8 pm Pakistan time do watch for prof from QurAn and Hadith ( Hadis )
    ALLAH HAFIZ .🌹❤✨❤🌹

  3. Nawab kitchen ki puri team bht achaa kaam kar rahi hai…aap log itna pyar se bna k serve kr rhey ho aaplog jo Allah talah barkat or kamyabi de, ameen!

    Lot's of love dua from Bangalore, will love to meet Nawab's kitchen team one day. 😊

  4. Please try village food recipe and traditional culture of India i lived in India very very small village i am also a vegetable vendor selling vegetables door to door delivery service on bicycle please help just support ruler Village Life 🌾🌳

  5. رووعة ماشاء الله ..وجزاك الله كل خير
    ووفقك الله لخدمة هولاء الأطفال شكرااا لك

  6. Very nice recipe sir👌👌👌🤤🤤
    Great job sir 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍inka chala, chala vidoes cheyalli sir

  7. When ever i watch his vedio i can feel some satisfaction when he distribute that food for needy people . God bless you mohin bhai and team ☺️☺️

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