She was trying to pet the dog 🤣🤣🤣 he still was biting her ass
I guess the Dogg was not to day I have not eating today somebody going down..let me find out..but what I don't understand is this why would the dude kick ole girl like that..I don't understand that's sh@# real talk..that can't be gangsta in no generation
I saw this on National Geographic
This was a peaceful fight , very similar to peaceful protests but more peaceful.
Riley was clearly right about the chair thing 🤣
I gave you a view number and I was sorely disappointed
Thanks for the Lady wit the chair for getting the Real fight Started…
even the dog hood lol!
How they jumping her but not the girl who therw the chair
She was trying to pet the dog 🤣🤣🤣 he still was biting her ass
I guess the Dogg was not to day I have not eating today somebody going down..let me find out..but what I don't understand is this why would the dude kick ole girl like that..I don't understand that's sh@# real talk..that can't be gangsta in no generation
I saw this on National Geographic
This was a peaceful fight , very similar to peaceful protests but more peaceful.
Riley was clearly right about the chair thing 🤣
I gave you a view number and I was sorely disappointed
Thanks for the Lady wit the chair for getting the Real fight Started…
even the dog hood lol!
How they jumping her but not the girl who therw the chair
I can say alot, but don't need to.
Lol the dog! Ohhhhhnnnooooo