Heads Up! Fails of the Week | FailArmy

Heads Up! Fails of the Week | FailArmy
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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. I hope that driver running the redlight got charged. That said, because of things like that, you can't just assume they are gonna stop. That's why at every redlight and stop sign I take an extra moment to be sure. Even if the dude in his jacked up ram 2500 just can't wait and feels like he needs to nudge my bumper.

  2. 1:04 These bowling idiots should have to pay. No way that's accidental. I don't care if that is your first time ever holding a bowling ball, you aren't going to throw it like that. They never saw anyone else bowling and none of their friends went first to coach the person a little on what to do. They also just happened to be filming it at that time too and posted just that part of it.

  3. Pleaso stop showing videos of people wrecking bowling alleys. They do it on purpose. It's not funny anymore. It's just cringe.

    I hope the owner of that bowling alley sues these wannabes

  4. OMG OMG OMG! McDonald's proudly supports Mc'Merican Mc'Ath-A-letes I'm loving it. The vids will never end. Mericans! OMDarwin, OMDarwin, OMDarwin.

  5. So you're ok with posting large text of swearing (as long as it has the odd asterisk), but so self-righteous that you blur out alcohol. Fu*king pathetic HYPOCRITS !!

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