In this video I take a look at 17 random wild animals and how long they can live, including the longest known lifespan of each species.
The species featured are:
The common woodlouse,
The common Earthworm,
The peacock butterfly,
The goldcrest,
The common lizard,
The common toad,
The European mole,
The Song thrush,
The Barn owl,
The White tailed eagle,
the Red deer,
the Red fox,
the European badger,
the Grass snake,
the Mute swan,
the Stoat,
the Perch.
Thumbnail image: by Katja Schulz https://www.flickr.com/photos/treegrow/33748405898
Some of the footage used in this vide was obtained using creative commons licences, the originals can be found at:
Really interesting. Thanks a lot for the video.
A 40 year old Toad??? Thats crazy! Also I had no idea that Woodlice could live as long as 3 years; I think they are pretty horrible though. Great video, thanks for your effort.
I enjoyed the video, but am I the only one who needed the captions to understand English?
Thanks for your excellent and kind videos.
When they approach my chickens very short
thank you. very interesting! the earth worm surprised me.
I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that the oldest recorded common toad would far outlive the oldest recorded red deer…
Proof that if you look after things, they last longer.
I love watching this wild life series and I love the animals and birds that it talks about. I grew up during WWII
In the Yorkshire countryside. I knew all the birds and animals and their habits. I'm sorry to say, I shot all 'food' animals, rabbits, pheasants, wood pigeons, etc, due to the food shortages. I could get for five rabbits the same as what I earned for one week's work. I couldn't hurt a fly now, as the saying goes.
It's good the many species have grow in number. Kids today, not all, grow up not ever experiencing the wonders of nature. Keep up the good work.
Foxes are beautiful! It saddens me that some people want to hurt them.
I like your presentation. Good video.
Lovely video. What's is the longest living mammal native to the UK?
The eagle surprised me
I knew about the snake, but was surprised by the toad. I feel so sorry for the peacock butterfly. They are such beautiful animals that have a short life. I'm surprised you didn't mention wasps, most of whom die within a year, but some overwinter and can live up to three years.
great video
I have a great job, I work in security on a site on the edge of the Suburbs of Dublin and as a kid I used to live in a small town in North Wales, so I'm used to seeing lots of wildlife. So now at work I get to see Buzzards, Barn Owls, Foxes, Badgers, Hedgehogs, Frogs, the ubiquitous Rabbits and Hares and very occasionally, a Kestrel. I also occasionally get to see the occasional otter in the Liffey in the city centre (yup, in the city centre)- most people don't realize there are holts on both the East – (the docks) and the West (on an island by the last weir before the river becomes tidal at Islandbridge) ends of the river. I've seen otters from O'Connell, Ha'penny, Grattan, O'Donovan and Heuston Bridges.
Excellent 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💕
I'm addicted, thanks lad.
Great informative video. Just
Last night, looking outside my window in Islington London I saw 2 fox cubs chasing each other and having a great time. When I looked out again in the morning one was dead, totally intact on the road. A crow was pecking at it. I felt really sad.
Excellent….. Thank you.
Thanks! Interesting to know.
Great video well done
Thanks for putting this video together Mate, I really enjoyed it !
These averages are completely wrong. Must animals die before they get anywhere near adulthood. If they didn't then we'd be knee deep in them.
Take those Mute Swans. They raise 40 or so cygnets on their lifetime. If they all lived till adulthood then we wouldn't be able to move for swans by now!
Why would you not say thirty instead of firty when your on YouTube. It’s awful
Slaters, who would have thought they live for 3 years.
Here is a question for you it appears that the larger the creature the longer the lifespan unless you are a dog where small dogs live much longer than large ones. Why is that?
Thousands of Barn Owls kept as pets?
Amazing stuff, the stag got me and the fox, plus the eagles.
Swan Muscles grow about a millimeter a year, I've found some over 100mm long and at least a century old. Amazing little creatures!
Very interesting video.
Your mising one very important one from the list…
The wild animal that is the CHAV.
That was very interesting. We have 3 foxes that visit our garden every evening, they are 3 years old. The mother was killed on the road nearby. When we moved to this house an old lady in the upstairs flat fed a herring gull and when she died we "inherited" the bird. It disappeared last year but we calculated it was at least 25 years old.
Surprised by the life span of the Woodlouse. I thought their life span would be just weeks.
Fantastic video thanks
My mother and I found a young chaffinch with a broken wing many years ago, my mother nursed it back to health but it couldn’t fly so she kept him he lived to be 16 and was completely grey when he eventually passed in his sleep.
My patience is tested by the woodlice that I have to rescue from the bottom of my lavatory bowl.
Nice video, as someone who studies birds ,life spans are very varied , , certainly underestimated, as are fish ,
Woodlice are so cute close up
Shut up.
legal persecution of foxes? you all like lamb? its vermin control in my part of these beautiful British isles. Yes, I shoot them, at the request of sheep farmers.
Badgers life in UK 1 year by massive culls, I bet its rare they live longer than 3 years nowdays unless not near farm land
Under my big shoes a woodlice life is cut short very quickly
really interesting videos. thanks for these. subscribed now to see more. thanks.
New subscriber. Watched a few of your videos. Very enjoyable. Thank you for sharing.