In which we crash and almost fail basic training !
G&P Twitter : https://twitter.com/GoreAndPerkins
Gore Twitter : https://twitter.com/jamesmgore
Perkins Twitter : https://twitter.com/James_A_Perkins
Gore Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JMG519
Perkins Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMightyPerkins
Only G&P can miserably fail basic training and have fun with it XD
28:14 Gore and Perkins recreate 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' episode 'Cause and Effect'….
That. Was. Genius.
this was one of the funniest vidoeos ive seen
You guys should definitely make more episodes of this. I was in tears laughing, great stuff. 😀
21:38– "Is that a body?"
I'd love to see you play happy wheels
Is there any chance we might see overcooked again? Really loved it
Gore and Perkins have you seen the YouTube drama
Loving the new shows starting keep it up
You guys should play tew 2016
Any chance you guys will play batman telltale season 2
The first two minutes already had me dead😂😂😂
Pretty much 2 minutes in, already HILARIOUS!
Have you two ever gotten legit angry with one another?
Wait. Why can you jump in a Helicopter Simulator?
You guys are my favorite YouTuber and you guys are sooooooo funny I can watch this 10 times
While watching this, my iPad spazed out and somehow I ended up being the tenth person watching live on plattys live stream
Quentin Durk and James Gorekins for universe mode
Lovin the variety G&P!
You could probably upload anything and people would still watch 🙂
2 videos in one day it must be
You guys should play: Keep talking and no one explodes.
This episode has a separate title of the next big try not to laugh challenge
You guys bringing the heat with the uploads
That part when u guys tried to start the helicopter and u got up in the air then u guys blew up after hitting the building and then u guys said imagine the director watching lol.!!
Play Batman telltale season 2 pls
Loved watching this! 🙂
yes I was waiting for this
Y'all should keep doing this,when y'all do random games other then just wwe
Are u guys doing Batman Series 2
I love the variety in games recently great job guys
I'm happy to see G&P playing different games. Great vid G&P as usual
It's cool that you're adding new games to your YouTube channel still love your universe mode
I mean this isn’t bad as Jeff Hardy’s neck being snapped in two Jeeeeezus
I like the diversity in games. Great job as usual